Phrases de contexte similaires
Exemples de traduction
Nunca sabíamos lo que iba a pasar.
We never knew what was going to happen.
El debate no había hecho más que empezar, e iba a haber sorpresas.
The debate is just beginning, and there are going to be surprises.
Pensé que iba a morir.
I thought I was going to die.
Pregunta: ¿Pero le dijo dónde iba?
Question: But he told you where he was going.
No iba a intervenir porque pensaba que la declaración de Indonesia en nombre del Movimiento de los Países No Alineados en realidad me iba a resultar suficiente.
I was not going to take the floor because I thought that the Indonesian statement on behalf of NAM was actually going to be satisfactory for me.
Dijo que las RDF utilizaban el camino que iba de Kinigi a Chanzu, o el que iba a través de Njerima hasta Kanyanja, donde se encontraba la posición de Ntaganda.
He said that the RDF use the path going from Kinigi into Chanzu, or the path going through Njerima to Kanyanja, where Ntaganda’s position is located.
El Presidente (habla en inglés): Iba a preguntarme eso mismo.
The Chairman: I was going to ask that myself.
Le preguntamos si nos iba a pagar.
We asked him if he was going to pay us.
Iba y venía continuamente.
Going and coming to Epi like peanuts.
Donde él iba, iba yo.
Where he would go, I would go.
Yo no iba, ella no iba.
I don't go, she don't go.
Andy Fastow iba, Ken Rice iba.
Andy Fastow would go; Ken Rice would go.
Yo me iba y ella iba de compras.
I'd go away and she'd go shopping.
Iba a hacerlo, iba a ir.
I was going to. I was going to stop by.
Todo iba bien, todo iba bien.
It was going well, it was going well.
Y ella iba a descubrirlo. Iba a… ¿Qué era eso?
And she was going to discover it all. She was going to … What was that?
Iba a… ¡Se iba con los Weasley! ¡Iba a presenciar la final de los Mundiales!
He was going…he was going to the Weasleys', he was going to watch the Quidditch World Cup!
Iba a ninguna parte, simplemente iba.
It was going nowhere, it was just going.
Por fin. Norberto se iba… se iba… se había ido.
At last, Norbert was goinggoing … gone .
Justo me iba.
I'll be right back.
Iba a casarse.
She was to be married.
Al volante iba el agente de policía Sallum Al-Hamud bin Abdulla (nacido en 1967), que resultó herido por metralla en la cabeza y en el ojo y fue trasladado al hospital nacional de Idlib.
He was wounded by shrapnel in the head and eye and was taken to the national hospital in Idlib.
La autora no hizo una presentación al jefe de la Junta de Naturalización para justificar su solicitud e indicar el uso que iba a hacer de la información solicitada.
The author did not send a request to the head of the Naturalization Board to substantiate her request and indicate for what she intended to use the information requested.
Al frente iba el Sr. Terje Sjolie.
The march was headed by Mr. Terje Sjolie.
¿A dónde iba?
Where are you headed?
- ¿Para dónde iba?
- Where was she headed?
- ¿Hacia dónde iba?
- Where was he headed?
Iba a salir.
I'm heading out.
- Iba hacia allá.
Headed there next.
Iba a casa.
I was heading home.
—Yo iba para Christianshavn.
I was headed to Christianshavn.
Se le iba la cabeza;
His head was whirling.
¿En pos de qué iba?
what was he heading for?
A su cabeza iba Ramírez.
At their head was Ramirez.
Tom iba a la cabeza.
Tom was at their head.
A su cabeza iba Saevil.
At their head was Sævil.
Se me iba la cabeza.
I felt light-headed.
230. Idd iba caminando por la calle que va al centro comercial de Kitovu.
Idd was walking along the road in Kitovu Trading Centre.
:: El 22 de abril, un niño refugiado palestino resultó muerto por fragmentos de metralla de una explosión en la ciudad de Deraa cuando iba de camino a casa después de la escuela con amigos y familiares.
:: On 22 April, a Palestine refugee child was killed by shrapnel from an explosion in Dar'a city as he walked home from school with friends and family.
En ese momento Haytham alHallaq iba de camino, portando un cuchillo de carnicero, además de su arma.
At that moment, Haytham al-Hallaq walked by. He was carrying a cleaver in his hand as well as his weapon.
Iba caminando por la calle, cerca de la Puerta de Damasco.
He was walking on the street, close to the Damascus Gate.
Cuando el grupo de la Relatora Especial iba andando hacia el puerto con los educadores de calle de Bayti dos niños vieron al grupo y escaparon.
When the Special Rapporteur's party walked towards the port with the street educators from Bayti, two boys saw the group and ran away.
Iba caminando hacia él.
She was walking over.
Ya me iba. - Espera.
I'm walking, anyway.
Iba caminando sola.
I was walking alone.
Iba... y venía...
I walked back... and forth...
Iba camino a casa...
I walk home...
- Hoy iba caminando...
- I was walking by today...
Iba para casa...
I was walking home...
Yo iba caminando por él.
I was walking along.
El muy necio iba caminando.
The fool was walking.
–Yo iba por la carretera.
I was walking down the road.
E iba por el otro lado.
And she was walking on the wrong side.
él iba más despacio.
he walked more slowly.
Gjorg iba entre ellos.
Gjorg, too, walked in the procession.
Poco después, el Sr. Mikitenko volvió a pasar por el jardín del autor y le dijo que había herido a uno de los jóvenes e iba a llamar a una ambulancia.
Shortly thereafter, Mr. Mikitenko passed by the author's garden plot again and told him that he had injured one of the young men and was on his way to call an ambulance.
a) El volumen del comercio que pasaba por la región por tierra y mar (por el Mar Caspio, el Mar Negro y el Mediterráneo), iba en aumento;
(a) Trade volumes passing through the region by land and sea (over the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean) were increasing;
Yo había salido a comprar con mi hermano y nos cruzamos con él cuando iba camino de casa.
I was shopping with my brother and we passed him on his way home.
El grupo permitió el paso del vehículo, que iba escoltado por un funcionario de enlace de la oficina de la delegación de la tregua.
It allowed the vehicle to pass. It was escorted by a liaison officer from the office of the truce delegation.
Solo iba de paso.
I was just passing by.
Iba de paso.
He was just passing through.
O iba de paso.
Or I was passing through.
Pensé que iba a desmayarse.
I thought she'd pass out.
Igual iba de paso.
I was passing through anyway.
Pero el tiempo iba pasando.
But time was passing.
No iba a desmayarme.
I would not pass out.
Y así iba pasando el tiempo.
And so time passed.
Pensé que me iba a desmayar.
I thought I'd pass out.
Y eso era algo que no iba a dejar pasar.
And that was something he could not let pass.
Molly iba casi de una mesa a otra.
Molly told her and passed on.
Iba tanteando las puertas al pasar.
Felt the doors as he passed.
La IBA ha trabajado en pro de ese objetivo organizando cursos prácticos, publicando material en línea para facilitar su uso y redactando un artículo sobre las experiencias de la aplicación de la Declaración en el Canadá.
The Indigenous Bar Association had pursued this objective by hosting workshops, posting material for accessible online use and producing an article on experiences of implementation in Canada.
Iba a intentarlo hasta los 30, pero mis planes cambiaron.
I intended on pursuing it until I was 30, but my plans changed.
O incluso cómo iba a conseguirlo.
Or even how I'd pursue it.
No iba a levantarle cargos a Armstrong.
It would not pursue charges against Armstrong.
Porque ella iba a continuar ahora con el asunto.
Why would she pursue the matter now.
Iba a caballo y me estaba persiguiendo.
He was on horseback and he was pursuing me.
El policía que le seguía iba acercándose.
The cop pursuing him was getting close.
Buscaba el peligro e iba al encuentro de la muerte;
Danger he sought and death pursued,
–La que iba persiguiendo el hombre blanco muy malvado.
With the party that the very bad white man was pursuing.
Hanno iba detrás por si les perseguían.
Hanno took the rear, in case they were pursued.
Mientras tanto, yo iba siguiendo el camino que me había trazado.
Meanwhile I was pursuing the course he’d plotted for me.
Posteriormente se descubrió que se trataba de un buque de aprovisionamiento con pabellón iraní, concretamente del buque de desembarco Hinjam 511, que navegaba a una velocidad de 14,5 nudos e iba equipado con cañones de 40/60 milímetros.
It was ascertained that the object was a military supply ship flying the Iranian flag, specifically the landing craft Hinjam 511, sailing at the speed of 14.5 knots and fitted out with four 40/60-mm guns.
Las camionetas llevaban instaladas en la parte trasera ametralladoras DShK de 12,7 mm montadas en trípodes y una de ellas iba equipada con un lanzacohetes Hound con el que dispararon contra la aldea.
The pickups had DShK (12.7-mm tripod mounted machine guns) fitted on to the back, and one had a Hound rocket launcher system which was used to fire rockets into and across the village.
No le iba bien la ropa de ningún otro.
He didn't fit into anyone else's.
Esto iba bien cuando recogí el esmoquin.
It fit when I picked up the tux.
¿Por qué me iba a molestar?
Why would I actually have a fit?
Creí que no iba a caber.
I didn't think it would fit.
- ¿Creías que sólo iba a probármelo?
You thought I'd just see how it fit? - No.
Extrañamente me iba perfecta.
Uncommon snug fit.
Pero, ¿por qué no iba a encajar?
But why wouldn't I fit?
- Que acá dentro iba algo.
- Two things that fit together.
Era lo único que me iba bien.
- It was the only thing that fitted.
Y decías que no iba a caber.
And you said it wouldn't fit.
Le iba perfectamente.
The fit was perfect.
El rap me iba de perlas;
Rap was a perfect fit;
Iba atiborrado, pero cupimos.
It was crowded but we fit.
Era agradable y le iba bien al ambiente.
It was pleasant, and fit the mood.
En aquel momento no sabía bien cómo iba a utilizarlo, pero sí tenía claro que iba a hacerlo.
I didn’t know exactly how it fit in but I was confident I could make it fit.
Todos los días iba a probarse los vestidos.
She went for fittings every day.
Finn pensó que le iba a dar otro ataque;
Finn thought it would bring on a fit;
Iba a fugarse —concluí secamente.
‘He was intending to run away,’ I said tersely.
¿Para qué iba a escaparse? Wendy se lo pensó.
Why would she run away?" Wendy considered that.
pensaba que iba a escaparse al mar.
She thought he would run away to sea.
¿Para qué iba a querer huir de ti?
Why should I want to run away from you?
-¿Por qué iba a querer huir de algo?
“What would I want to run away from anything for?”
El vehículo de la Sra. Bhutto no iba acompañado de una escolta policial que pudiera llevarla rápidamente al hospital.
Her vehicle was not accompanied by a police escort to get her to a hospital quickly.
Iba a tenerle a él.
She was getting him.
Pero ¿de qué les iba a servir?
“But what’ll it get them?
Ella era la que se iba a casar.
She was getting married.
¿Iba a divorciarse?
Was she getting divorced?
La luz iba en aumento.
It was getting lighter.
El tiempo iba pasando.
Time was getting on.
No, no iba a huir.
No, she wasn’t running.
Todo iba como la seda.
Everything was running smoothly.
Driver iba al volante.
Driver was on the run.
¿Iba en busca de algo?
Was I running toward something?
—¿Y por qué iba a correr?
And why should I run?
—¿Y por qué iba a escaparme?
Why would I run!
No sabía a cuál de los dos iba a seguir.
He didn’t know who to run after.
Sólo cuando ya me iba me dio alcance en el vestíbulo.
Only as I left did he run after me in the hall.
Iba en busca de la verdad.
He was chasing after the truth.
¿Por qué demonios iba a ir tras él?
Why in the devil should you have chased after him?
Iba detrás de ella de un lado a otro, de París a Londres y vuelta a empezar.
He chased after her tirelessly, from Paris to London and back again.
Yo iba tras ellos cuando la jungla cobró vida a mi alrededor.
I was chasing after them when the jungle came alive all around me.
Se oyó el sonido distante de alas que se batían… Cuervo, que había vuelto a disolverse en un pájaro e iba tras él.
There was the distant sound of flapping wings – Raven dissolving back into a bird and chasing after him.
Pero no era tan tonto como para ir detrás de algo que sabía que solo iba a volverlo loco.
But he wasn’t dumb enough to chase after something he knew would only make him crazy.
¡Iba de traje!
He's wearing a suit!
¿Iba con traje?
In a suit?
El nombre le iba bien.
The name suited him.
Le iba bien.
It suited her.
Aspecto de época, no te iba bien.
Period look, it didn't suit you.
Iba vestido de Papá Noel.
He was dressed in a Santa Claus suit.
¡Les iba de maravilla a todos!
It suited them all!
Aquel olor no iba del todo con ello, pero probablemente tampoco iba con Sara.
The scent didn’t exactly suit her, but then it probably didn’t suit Sara, either.
Lo cual a ella le iba de perlas.
Which suited her fine.
Alcide iba trajeado.
Alcide was wearing a suit.
Le iba bien a mi propósito.
It suited my purpose well.
La inactividad no iba conmigo.
Inactivity didn’t suit me.
Las altas tasas de desempleo no se debían a un elevado nivel salarial sino a que el crecimiento de los salarios iba a la zaga de la productividad.
The existing high levels of unemployment were not the result of high wages but of wages lagging behind productivity growth.
Aquí dice que la madre iba conduciendo pero las heridas fueron leves considerando que iba al volante.
It says here the mother was driving, but the injuries weren't consistent with being behind the wheel.
Una iba detrás de él.
She was following behind.
Pero yo iba detrás de él.
But I was behind him.
Dannyl iba detrás de mí.
Dannyl was behind me.
Daneel iba detrás de él;
Daneel was behind him;
Frank iba al volante.
Frank was behind the wheel.
Christopher iba detrás de mí.
Christopher was behind me.
Gustav iba al volante.
Gustav was behind the wheel.
Jake iba al volante;
Jake was behind the wheel;
El Sr. Kaira iba dentro del vehículo que encabezaba la comitiva con sus agentes de seguridad.
87. Mr. Kaira was inside the lead vehicle with his security men.
- Iba en cabeza.
- He was in the lead.
- Vuestro barco iba en cabeza.
- Your ship was in the lead.
Iba en peregrinación a Canterbury.
- She was leading a pilgrimage to Canterbury.
- ¿Por qué iba a decirle que vendiera?
Here's a hot lead.
Como iba diciendo, mis pistas
As I was saying, my leads...
Leonard iba a dirigirlo, creemos.
Leonard was to lead it, we think.
Ángel Blake iba al frente.
Angel Blake leading 'em.
¿Quién iba a llevar?
Who'd lead?
¿Iba a ser la protagonista?
She was dancing the lead?
Yo iba a la cabeza.
I was in the lead.
Su camión iba primero.
Their truck was in the lead.
Wilgre iba ganando;
Wilgre was leading;
Cassie iba la primera.
Cassie was in the lead.
Karl iba en cabeza.
Karl was in the lead.
Connor iba en cabeza;
Connor took the lead;
Marchetti iba a la cabeza.
Marchetti held the lead.
Yo iba ganando por puntos;
I was leading on points;
A la cabeza iba el rey.
In the lead went the king.
Kramer iba a la cabeza.
Kramer was leading them.
La descripción de las cuatro situaciones posibles iba precedida del siguiente párrafo:
Preceding the description of the four scenarios is the following paragraph:
Iba siguiéndole y...
I was following him and...
Iba detrás de mí.
He was following me.
- ¿Quién nos iba a seguir?
Who would follow us?
Yo iba detrás de él.
I followed him down.
¿Por qué iba a seguirte?
Why would I follow you?
Sabías que los iba a estár siguiendo
- You followed me.
¿No iba detrás suyo, Inspector?
Didn't he follow you, Inspector?
¿Para qué te iba a seguir?
Follow you? Why?
- Iba a venir conmigo.
- He was supposed to follow.
Iba lo uno por lo otro.
One thing followed the other.
Bastille iba detrás;
Bastille followed;
Detrás iba Brasher.
Brasher's following.
¡Siempre iba detrás de ella!
It was always following her!
iba detrás de Buck.
he was following Buck.
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