Exemples de traduction
Ranas aceitadas, engordadas con larvas de zarigüeya.
Oiled frogs, fattened on possum maggots.
Lleno de ovejas como usted siendo engordadas para el matadero.
Full of sheep like you being fattened for slaughter.
Engordada con pasto montañés.
Mm-hm. Fattened on mountain pasture.
Hemos engordado, Lucrecia?
Are we fattening up, Lucrecia?
Congreso Jang parece engordados.
Congress Jang seems fattened.
o zorzal... codornices engordadas.
or peacock thrush... fattened quails.
¡Ellos han engordado con el pan de ustedes!
They've been fattening on your bread!
Malo, imbécil, has engordado, no entras.
Ugly idiot, you've fattened up, you don't fit in.
Tú has engordado como un cerdo.
You have fattened like a pig.
Los Dai consideran un manjar estas larvas engordadas.
The fattened larvae are considered a delicacy by the Dai.
Engordado a setenta y cinco kilómetros de Dublín.
Fattened fifty miles from Dublin.
Al menos la maestra no tendría que tocar aquellos libros engordados por la mugre.
At least she wouldn't have to touch the fattened books.
Había engordado engullendo la masa de los antiguos Urano y Neptuno.
It had fattened itself by gobbling up the masses of ancient Uranus and Neptune.
Oscuro y sinuoso, parecía haber engordado con el aire que se había tragado.
Dark and sinuous, it appeared to have fattened up on the air it had swallowed.
Yo he engordado dos kilos. —Nos preparan para la matanza —apostilló Nicky—.
I’ve put on four pounds.” “Fattening us up for the kill,” Nicky said.
Dykes había engordado algo en los dos años últimos que no había tenido oportunidad de verle.
Dykes had fattened some in the two years since I had last seen him;
los dedos se entrelazaron como inmensos gusanos engordados gracias a una buena dieta de carroña. —Si puedo...
the fingers interweaved like huge, fattened maggots. "If I can-"
Como el perro de Resi, Eva Noth había engordado hidrópicamente a causa de la comida bélica.
Like Resi's dog, Eva Noth had fattened dropsically on wartime food.
Todavía no habíamos engordado desde el invierno, pero ya nos estábamos preparando para dar el siguiente salto.
We had not yet fattened up from the winter but we were getting set to take the next leap already.
Ya podía imaginarlos dentro de quince años. Él habría engordado.
He could already picture them fifteen years from now. He’d get fat.
—Quizá sí, quizá no. Sólo siento una cosa: Mi santa madre que está en el Cielo no tuvo un solo día en su vida sin hambre, el hambre de sus hijos, el hambre de mi padre, el hambre de primos, hermanos y hermanas. Siempre hambre. Y yo ahora he engordado.
Maybe, maybe not. I got one regret—my saintly mother in heaven, she never had a day in her life without hunger, hunger from her children, hunger from my papa, hunger from cousins and brothers and sisters. Al ways hunger. Now I get fat. I got a paunch.
¿Has engordado, Hill?
You gain weight, Hill?
Has engordado, hermano.
You've gained weight, bro.
¿No has engordado?
Hey, you've gained weight, huh?
Masako, ¿has engordado?
Masako, did you gain weight? !
Has engordado 10 kilos.
You've gained 22 pounds.
Cómo has engordado.
You've gained weight.
Incluso has engordado.
You've even gained weight.
- ¿He engordado mucho?
- I gained some weight, eh?
Últimamente me he engordado.
I've gained weight lately.
Se había engordado;
He had gained weight;
Davud había engordado.
Davud had gained weight.
Los dos habían engordado.
Both had gained weight.
Has engordado, Clifton.
Why, you’ve gained, Clifton!
¿Has engordado lo suficiente?
Have I gained enough weight,?
Ha engordado mucho, pero sin duda era ella.
She’s gained a lot of weight, but it was definitely her.
Se había engordado quince kilos.
She’d gained thirty pounds.
Había engordado un poco durante el verano;
She had gained some weight over the summer;
No he engordado cuatro kilos.
And I have not gained four kilos.
Ha engordado usted. Sí, estoy seguro.
You’ve gained some weight. Yes, I’m sure.
Habia engordado un poco.
But he was kind of plump
Has engordado un poquito, ¿no?
You are a little plump, you know?
Iron fist, me alegra ver que no te has ablandado y engordado en el mundo exterior, hermano.
Iron Fist, glad to see you have not grown soft and plump in the outside world, brother.
Supimos entonces por qué había engordado tanto.
We then knew how she had grown so plump.
Todos estaban en buenas condiciones, engordados y robustos con la piel brillante.
All of these were in good condition, plump and sturdy with glossy coats.
Ni una sola arruga le estropeaba la piel de la cara ni del cuello, quizás porque había engordado una pizca;
Not one single wrinkle marred the skin of face or neck, perhaps because she had plumped out a trifle;
La miré atenta y me pareció que había engordado sin que yo lo advirtiera bajo su piel de invierno.
I took a good look at her and found that she had quietly grown plump under her winter coat. And her moody state on top of that.
Con los años, ella había engordado un poco; a él le encantaban su redondez, su calor, su peso y sus curvas bajo las mantas.
Over the years she had become a little plump, and he loved her roundness, he loved the warmth and heft and curve of her under the covers.
Mi cuenta corriente había engordado gracias a la cantidad inesperada de dinero que me cayó del cielo hacía unos seis meses.
My savings account had been plumped by an unexpected sum that dropped into my lap some six months before.
Y la criatura, en un principio tan demacrada, había engordado con el festín y ahora se veía inflada y carnosa como un perro sobrealimentado.
And the creature, which earlier had been so emaciated, had grown rather plump with its feast, becoming bloated and meaty like an overfed dog.
Con los años no había perdido su frescura, su porte altivo o su risa torrentosa, sólo había engordado un poco, lo que a su marido le encantaba.
With the years she had not lost her freshness, her haughty bearing or soft, purring laughter; she had only grown a little plump, which her husband found enchanting.
Rabiad y engordad en vuestra rabia.
Rage and grow fat in your rage.
Fue suficiente. Más. —Reíd y engordad —sugerí.
It was enough. More. “Laugh and grow fat,”
«Rabiad, y engordad en vuestra rabia», les había dicho el Cacique.
“Rage, and grow fat in your rage,” the Cacique had told them.
—Y los cerdos gruñen todavía más fuerte mientras ella los arrulla—: Comed, comed. Comed y engordad.
And the pigs shriek even louder as she coos: “Eat, eat. Eat and grow fat.”
Pip, querido amigo, has crecido y has engordado. Y te has vuelto un caballero. Honras a tu rey y a tu país.
Pip, dear old chap, you've growed and you've swelled, and you've gentlefoIked as to be sure you're an honour to your king and country.
Tenían que ser tales excesos lo que le habían engordado también el abdomen.
Surely it must be overeating that had made her belly swell that way. THIRTY SEVEN
Nell, que había engordado visiblemente, las observaba desde la ventana, con un poco de envidia: le habría gustado galopar un rato.
Nell, who was now swelling visibly, watched through the window, a little envious: she wouldn’t be able to gallop around like that for a while.
El rumor era que la enfermedad había engordado de manera elefantiásica todas las partes del cuerpo de don Ángel, menos una, precisamente aquella que distingue al hombre de la mujer, que se había convertido, dadas las nuevas proporciones del resto, en casi inencontrable, una aguja en un pajar.
And the rumor was that the illness had caused every part of don Angel’s body to swell to elephantine proportions except one, which was precisely that part that distinguishes a man from a woman, and which, given the new dimensions of the rest of his body, had become practically impossible to locate, more difficicult than a needle in a haystack.
El traje que habían confeccionado para él tenía ahora partes estrechas y partes holgadas, debido a los largos meses de viaje; o tal vez, pensó, era él quien había engordado un poco en algunos puntos y adelgazado en otros, pues tenía que admitir que no había sido demasiado constante con sus ejercicios. Por otra parte, tenía que ir al aseo.
The suit that had been tailored to his body had developed tight spots and loose ones in the long months up from Earth-or maybe, he reminded himself fairly, he was the one who had swelled a little in some places and shrunk in others—he had not, he conceded, been wholly diligent about his exercises. Also he had to go to the bathroom.
Desde su partida de Nápoles había engordado notablemente.
Since his departure from Naples he had increased notably in body.
Me temo que he engordado y voy a seguir haciéndolo…
I am afraid I have made a mull of it.—I am increasing.
—Había engordado desde que Gengis le cortara los tendones de las piernas.
He had increased in bulk since Genghis had cut the tendons in his legs.
Sale de la ducha y nota el diagnóstico como si de pronto hubiera engordado muchísimo.
He steps out of the shower, feeling his diagnosis like a severe increase in weight.
—Desde luego, yo he engordado y sudo mucho al andar, pero soy más sabio que antes y mi entendimiento se ha vuelto más agudo que si me hubiese quedado en la selva de los sicanos para correr por ella como un gamo y dormir al sereno a merced de las fieras.
Undoubtedly I have grown stouter and walking makes me perspire, but my knowledge has increased and I believe that I have become cleverer than I would have by running in the Siccanian forest and sleeping on the bare ground.
Durante los últimos años, sin embargo, Travis había engordado.
But Travis had filled out in the last few years.
Había engordado un poco y parte de su desasosiego había desaparecido.
His face had filled out and some of the restlessness had gone out of him.
Quizás es que he engordado. —Las mangas deberían tener cinco centímetros más.
Maybe I filled out.” “The sleeves are two inches short.
Meg había crecido algo; seguía siendo pequeña, pero había engordado un poco.
Meg had grown a bit, she was still petite, but she had filled out some.
Admito que no eres Clark Gable, pero has engordado algo desde que llegamos aquí, y…
I admit you're no Clark Gable, but you've filled out some since we came here, and-"
Aunque no comía más que antes, había engordado y tenía aspecto de matrona satisfecha.
Although she ate no more than before, she had filled out and was now matronly and comfortable.
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