Traduction de "several" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
Several Portuguese journalists also attended several sessions at the outset.
Varios periodistas portugueses también asistieron a varias sesiones del juicio al principio.
Several air attacks on several villages in the area were also recorded.
También se informó de varios ataques aéreos sobre varias aldeas de la zona.
There are currently several cases that have been pending for several months";
En la actualidad hay varios casos que han estado pendientes durante varios meses";
The scope of the pilot includes several departments at Headquarters, several offices away from Headquarters and several field missions.
Esta implantación experimental abarca varios departamentos de la Sede, varias oficinas situadas fuera de la Sede y varias misiones sobre el terreno.
The same defendant charged in several cases will therefore be counted several times.
Por tanto, se contará varias veces al mismo acusado implicado en varios casos.
Several of these plans were produced in cooperation between several ministries.
Varios de esos planes fueron elaborados en colaboración entre varios ministerios.
The rape experience typically involved several perpetrators and often several incidents.
Era corriente que en la violación participaran varios perpetradores y con frecuencia abarcaba varios incidentes.
Meetings attended: Several Interpol meetings; several seminars on narcotic and drug abuse; several international seminars on crime.
Asistencia a reuniones: Varias reuniones de la Interpol; varios seminarios sobre uso indebido de estupefacientes y drogas; varios seminarios internacionales sobre el delito.
Possibly several months, if not several months.
Posiblemente varios meses, si no varios meses.
Oh, several things.
Oh, varias cosas.
Several important leads.
Varias pistas importantes.
Several boys are interesting for several reasons.
Varios chicos son interesantes por varias razones.
Several "A"s on several tests.
Varios excelentes en varios exámenes.
I got several "A"s on several tests.
He tenido varios excelentes en varios exámenes.
The man buys several Liniers books, several!
El hombre se lleva varios libros de Liniers, ¡varios!
They used several systems, several transactions.
Utilizaban varios sistemas, varias transacciones.
We had several of those, to go with several goats.
—Teníamos varios de ellos, que correspondían a varias cabras.
For several years—yes, several years—but that’s not essential——”
Durante varios años, sí, varios años… Pero eso no es lo esencial.
There are several of them.
—Es que son varios.
I said it several times and in several tones of voice.
Lo dije varias veces y en varios tonos de voz.
They varied in length from several yards to several miles.
Su longitud variaba desde varios metros hasta varios kilómetros.
He sees several staircases and several Clays climbing them.
Ve varias escaleras y varios Clays que las suben.
There were several thoughts in his mind, several possibilities of danger.
Había varios pensamientos en su mente, varias posibilidades de peligro.
And there had been several.
Y había habido varios.
Several positions emerged during the debate.
Durante el debate se mantuvieron distintas posiciones.
Several types of risk apply to MMP:
El programa entraña distintos tipos de riesgos:
This can be done in several ways.
Ello se puede lograr de distintas maneras.
These differences arise from several factors.
Estas divergencias se derivan de distintos factores.
The framework is based on several elements:
El marco se basa en distintos elementos, a saber:
There are several different ways to express uncertainty:
Hay distintas maneras de expresar incertidumbre:
Employment is affected in several ways:
El empleo se ve afectado de distintos modos:
Several reasons account for this phenomenon.
Este fenómeno se explica por distintas razones.
This results from a combination of several provisions:
Ello es resultado de la combinación de distintas disposiciones:
Well, there are several possibilities.
Bueno, hay distintas posibilidades.
in camps of several descriptions
en campos de distintos tipos
We've found parts of several timers.
Encontramos fragmentos de distintos timers.
She has been examined by several doctors.
La han examinado distintos médicos.
In several different positions.
En muchas posiciones distintas.
Sometimes in several languages.
A veces en distintos idiomas.
There are several varieties.
Hay distintas variedades.
There are several methods.
Hay distintos métodos.
That could be several different people.
- Podría ser gente distinta.
We're working on several fronts.
Estamos trabajando en distintos frentes.
Several different sizes.
De distintos tamaños.
They murmured severally.
—Todos murmuraron cosas distintas.
Flowers of several kinds.
Flores de distintos tipos.
They seemed to be by several painters.
Parecían de pintores distintos.
There were several pricing options.
Había distintas opciones de precio.
There are several ports along the coast.
Hay distintos puertos en la costa.
478. The poverty gap and severity indicators are based on individual level statistics.
La brecha de pobreza y los indicadores de la intensidad de la pobreza se basan en estadísticas individuales.
They are housed in a single room, where their right to free movement is severely restricted.
Están alojadas en una habitación individual, donde su derecho a la libre circulación se ve gravemente restringido.
2. The sale of a passenger vehicle used for individual transportation due to severe disability;
2. Un vehículo de pasajeros usado para el transporte individual por discapacidad grave.
Severely disabled people receive individual support.
Las personas gravemente discapacitadas reciben apoyo individual.
Personal freedom, including freedom of movement, had been severely curtailed.
La libertad individual, incluida la libertad de movimientos, ha sido seriamente restringida.
Several rights and freedoms of individuals are guaranteed by the MSAR legal system.
827. En el ordenamiento jurídico de la RAEM se garantizan diversos derechos y libertades individuales.
Lowering the age could cause severe social dislocation for individuals and families.
La reducción de ese límite de edad causaría graves perturbaciones individuales y familiares.
We'll honour whatever severance agreements might have been negotiated into any individual's contract.
Pagaremos cualquier indemnización por despido según lo exigido en cada contrato individual.
You have a weapon capable of severing the kiron pathways that link my cells.
Tienen un arma capaz de dañar los enlaces que unen mis células individuales.
Liability here is joint and several.
La responsabilidad es conjunta e individual.
After the behavior exhibited these past several days, the warden and I have decided that your character-building be best served by returning to the digging of individual holes.
Después del comportamiento que han demostrado estos días decidimos que lo mejor para forjar su carácter será volver a hacer hoyos individuales.
"The more severe cases are dealt with on an individual basis," said Olar.
—Los casos más graves son tratados a nivel individual —dijo Olar—.
But overwhelmingly, the effect of being watched is to severely constrain individual choice.
Pero de modo abrumador, el efecto de ser vigilado es el constreñimiento severo de la capacidad individual de elección.
Fortunately, our room was spacious, with several single beds and two hand basins.
Por fortuna, nuestra habitación era espaciosa, con camas individuales y dos lavabos instalados en el cuarto de baño.
Several doors led off, to individual flats Weaver guessed, and there was a stairway leading Up.
Diversas puertas conducían —supuso Weaver— a pisos individuales, y también arrancaba de allí una escalera.
The Presidents met on several occasions.
Sus respectivos presidentes se reunieron en diversas ocasiones.
Several organizations have related ongoing work in their domains of concern.
Actualmente, diversas organizaciones están realizando labores conexas en sus esferas respectivas.
If this may please you, Discharge your powers unto their several counties,
Si os place, devolved vuestras fuerzas a sus condados respectivos, como haremos con las nuestras.
If this may please you, Discharge your powers unto their several counties, As we will ours and here between the armies
Si os place, devolved vuestras fuerzas a sus condados respectivos, como haremos con las nuestras y aquí, entre los ejércitos bebamos juntos amistosamente y abracémonos.
Severally, specifically.” “Quite,” tyl Loesp said.
Respectiva, específicamente. –Sí, bueno –dijo Tyl Loesp–.
And we trooped downstairs to resume our own several activities.
Se ha acabado.» Y todos bajamos las escaleras para volver a nuestras actividades respectivas.
On your several worlds, as our agents, you have all had contact with him.
Todos ustedes han tenido contacto con él en sus respectivos mundos, así como nuestros agentes.
She gave me a list of eighteen names and numbers, which included several pensions.
Me dio una lista con dieciocho nombres y sus números respectivos;
Several of the more smug students turned over their papers by snapping their fingers.
Algunos de los estudiantes más presuntuosos dieron la vuelta a sus respectivos papeles con un chasquido de los dedos.
De Croix, Castile and several other Latin leaders are doing a little sightseeing on the way home.
De Croix, Castillo y otros líderes latinoamericanos están haciendo un poco de turismo antes de regresar a sus respectivos países.
They had talked for a long time, and gone into ICU several times, to check on Allyson and Chloe.
Habían hablado largo y tendido, con diversos intervalos para entrar en la UCI y verificar el estado de sus hijas respectivas.
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