Traduction de "have remember" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
"Now, I have heard the groaning of the Israelites "whom the Egyptians hold in slavery, "and I have remembered my promise.
Ahora, he oído el quejido de los Israelitas a quienes los Egipcios mantienen es esclavitud, y he recordado mi promesa.
I have remembered who I am The old and wisest men explain that all the love a woman gives distracts us We are told that riches wait for those who rise above temptation to obey a higher call you're asking me to turn away to fall from grace
He recordado quién soy, dice los sabios que el amor de una mujer nos distrae, que las riquezas son para quien se sobrepone a la tentación.
And I have remembered it all wrong.
Y lo he recordado todo mal.
I have remembered that day every day.
He recordado ese dia, todos los dias.
I have remembered how to seem.
He recordado cómo parecerlo.
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