Traduction de "gently as" à espagnol
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From a geomorphological perspective, the shelf in ideal cases is the part of the seabed adjacent to the continent, which forms a large submerged terrace that dips gently seaward.
6.2.2 Desde el punto de vista geomorfológico, la plataforma es típicamente la parte del lecho marino adyacente al continente que forma una gran terraza sumergida que desciende suavemente mar adentro.
On the Atlantic shore, much of the northern coast is rocky, but the middle and southern Atlantic coast rises gently from the sea. It starts as low, wet ground and sandy flats, but then becomes a rolling coastal lowland somewhat like that of northern and western Europe.
En la costa atlántica, una gran parte de la ribera septentrional es rocosa, pero la ribera atlántica central y meridional se eleva suavemente desde el mar. Comienza siendo de superficies bajas, húmedas y arenosas, pero luego se convierte en unas tierras bajas onduladas, como las de la Europa septentrional y occidental.
The World Conference had thus to be killed gently by negligence, insufficient funding, bureaucratic procrastination and lack of publicity.
La Conferencia Mundial, por lo tanto, debe morir suavemente por negligencia, financiación insuficiente, indecisión burocrática y falta de publicidad.
It was also recommended that samples should be gently sieved through nested 300- and 250-micron sieves.
También se sugirió que las muestras se tamizaran suavemente en tamices de 300 y 250 micras ordenados de manera decreciente.
18. The compound will be situated so as to fit naturally with the gently sloping terrain, and the three-sided courtyard will frame the view north towards Mount Meru on the open side.
El complejo se construirá de modo que se ajuste naturalmente al terreno suavemente inclinado y el patio de tres lados enmarcará la vista hacia el Norte que da sobre la parte abierta del Monte Meru.
They are gently led into ongoing and repeated acts of abuse by a person in whom they have complete trust and who has authority over them, and they do not display the anger of a person who has been abused or violated.
Es arrastrado suavemente a un abuso continuo y repetido por una persona que goza de su confianza plena y que tiene autoridad sobre él, por lo que carece de la rabia de una persona violada o sometida a abusos.
Cradling your neck thus and introducing the soup as gently as I may know how.
Arquea tu cuello e introduce la sopa tan suavemente como puedas.
They have enough thrust to counter the effect of gravity, and it lands as gently as a butterfly.
Tienen empuje suficiente para contrarrestar la gravedad, y la plataforma aterriza suavemente como una mariposa.
It moves through her hair as gently as a lover's hand.
Se mueve entre su pelo tan suavemente como la mano de un amante.
Can't we allow things to evolve more gently, as we did in the past?
¿No podemos permitir que las cosas evolucionen más suavemente, - como lo hicimos en el pasado?
Touch them as gently as you can.
Tóquelos tan suavemente como sea posible.
Ahora, señorita Fiona, vamos a ponerla en su cuna tan suavemente como a un bebé.
When Elizabeth died in 1603, nearly half a century after that day under the oak, as gently as an apple falling from a tree, someone said, and when her underthings were taken from her body, it was seen that they still fitted the contours of the virgin -
Cuando Isabel murió en 1603, casi medio siglo después de aquel día bajo el roble suavemente como una manzana cayendo de un árbol, alguien dijo, y despojaron su cuerpo de sus últimas ropas se vio que todavía cubrían los contornos de una virgen:
As gently as you can.
Tan suavemente como pueda.
He touched me so gently... as if he were blind...
El me tocó suavemente. Como si fuera ciego.
Mrs Merdle's maid must be called and told to get Mrs Merdle up and prepare her as gently as she can to see me.
Avise a la doncella de Mrs. Merdle y dígale que despierte a Mrs. Merdle y la prepare tan suavemente como pueda para que venga a verme.
She cradled her wrist. Gently, gently.
Se acunó la muñeca. Suavemente, suavemente.
He had gently smiled and shaken hands, gently explained and listened. Adamsberg did everything gently.
Suavemente había sonreído, suavemente había estrechado las manos, explicado y escuchado, porque Adamsberg siempre lo hacía todo suavemente.
use your courage and your strength . gently now . gently .
usa tu valor y tu fuerza... suavemente ahora... suavemente.
I pushed it gently.
La empujé suavemente.
“No, no,” she scolded gently.
—No, no —le regañó suavemente ella.
No, no, he said, gently.
No, no, dijo suavemente.
She withdrew it gently.
Ella la retiró suavemente.
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