Traduction de "cropped hair" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
You can swab the deck in my quarters ye of cropped hair and dubious sexuality.
Puede limpiar el piso de mi cuarto usted de pelo recortado y sexualidad dudosa.
The Professor scratched his cropped hair.
El profesor se rascó el pelo recortado.
Very closely cropped hair.
El cabello cortado muy corto.
His skull shone through close-cropped hair.
El cráneo le brillaba bajo el cabello cortado al rape.
He had never seen a woman with cropped hair before, except in the illustrated papers.
Nunca había visto antes, sólo en las fotografías de las revistas, a una mujer con el cabello cortado.
From time to time he ran his hand through his closely cropped hair.
De vez en cuando, se pasaba la mano a través de su cabello cortado casi al cepillo.
The veins stood out on his hands and his close-cropped hair was pure white.
Las venas se destacaban en sus manos, y su cabello, cortado casi al cero, era de una blancura nívea.
He was bearded, dark-skinned and had cropped hair, and he was much younger than Kyria Komninos.
Llevaba barba, el cabello cortado a cepillo, estaba muy moreno y era mucho más joven que Kyria Komninos.
He looked like he was in his thirties but already there was a dusting of gray in his short-cropped hair.
Parecía tener treinta y tantos años, aunque ya peinaba algunas canas en el cabello cortado al cepillo.
Arjun could see only the top of his head and the whorled patterns of his close-cropped hair.
Arjun sólo alcanzaba a verle la coronilla y las espirales que describía la raíz de sus cabellos, cortados casi al cero.
He had small scars that were snug to his head below his raggedly cropped hair.
Tenía unas orejas pequeñas que parecían embutírsele en la cabeza, bajo el cabello cortado en un desigual rape. Los harapos que vestía le quedaban grandes;
This was because his short – cropped hair was gray streaked with white and his jaw, that showed the remains of strength, trembled spasmodically.
Esto se debía a que su cabello cortado muy corto era gris, con abundantes mechones blancos, y su quijada, que mostraba trazas de haber sido vigorosa, temblaba espasmódicamente.
Now he was close to her, she could smell his dirt and see the grime on his neck, his black fingernails and the dust in his close-cropped hair.
Ahora estaba muy cerca y ella podía sentir su olor y ver la suciedad de su cuello, sus uñas negras y la tierra en su cabello cortado al rape.
Short, cropped hair like a soldier.
Bajo, pelo corto como un soldado.
Grande, pelo corto, conduce una carretilla.
Military, short-cropped hair.
Militar, pelo corto.
An image has been going round and round in my head for some time, for a long time now, that of two girls, tall and blonde with cropped hair.
Una imagen se pasea por mi cabeza desde hace algún tiempo, mucho tiempo, sin duda: esas dos chicas altas, rubias, con el pelo corto... que parecen hermanas.
Mm. Female, 35, cropped hair, by the mailbox, with a large parcel, blue umbrella--
¿no te interesa para nada? Mujer, 35, pelo corto, junto al buzón, con un gran paquete, paraguas azul...
Close-cropped hair. Charming.
Pelo corto, encantadora.
He is described as a male in his 30s, approximately 6"3" tall with closely cropped hair.
Fue descrito como un hombre de 30 años, aproximadamente de 1,90 de estatura y pelo corto.
Was there a tallish woman, short, dark, cropped hair?
- ¿Había una mujer alta, de pelo corto, negro, rapado?
‘Incredible,’ laughed the girl with the close-cropped hair.
—¡Increíble! —se rió la del pelo corto—.
Close-cropped hair, like soldiers, or gladiators.
Llevaban el pelo corto, como soldados o gladiadores.
A streak of purple in her short-cropped hair.
Lleva el pelo corto y un mechón morado.
Pale skin, blue eyes, dark short-cropped hair.
Piel pálida, ojos azules y pelo corto.
The cropped hair, the shabby anorak and the boots all suggested masculinity;
El pelo corto, el anorak raído y las botas eran masculinos;
A buxom brunette with closely cropped hair and dark eyebrows.
una mujer rellena, morena, con pelo corto y cejas negras.
Forget the short-cropped hair and the chubby legs and the humdrum clothes.
No había que fijarse en el pelo corto ni en las piernas gordas ni en la ropa ordinaria.
A man with close-cropped hair and glasses caught Joel’s attention. ‘Is that Rydén?’
Un hombre con pelo corto y gafas captó la atención de Joel. —¿Ese es el Rydén?
The Federation commander with the short-cropped hair and the unpleasant eyes stood there, his tunic half buttoned.
El comandante de la Federación tenía el pelo corto y unos ojos poco amables.
He had close-cropped hair and skin several shades darker than her own.
Tenía el pelo corto y la piel varios tonos más oscuros que la suya.
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