Traduction de "ask favor" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
Oh. I don't like asking favors.
No me gusta pedir favores.
I don't want you to make a nuisance of yourself by asking favors. People always expect to be paid back.
No quiero que te molestes en pedir favores a nadie, la gente siempre espera algo a cambio.
It's just that I'm not in a position to ask favors.
Es sólo que no estoy en posición de pedir favores.
Danny... I don't like asking favors, you know, because, it's not me.
Danny... no me gusta pedir favores, Io sabes, no es mi estilo.
As for asking favors or handouts, no,
Pero pedir favores o limosnas, eso no.
  "You're in no position to ask favors."
- No está en situación de pedir favores.
I don't have to ask: favors of anybody.
No he de pedir favores a nadie.
It isn’t that one needs to ask favors, so to say.
No se trata de que necesitemos pedir favores.
It was utterly against my nature to ask favors but then I’d never been against the wall in quite this way before.
Pedir favores era algo que iba en contra de mi manera de ser, pero nunca había estado contra la pared como en aquellos momentos.
David would know more after he reached Bernardsville; and it would be less awkward to have made his duty call to Aaron before asking favors.
David sabría más cuando llegase a Bernardsville, y resultaría menos molesto hacer su llamado obligatorio a Aaron antes de pedir favores.
He had lost his right arm at an advanced age, fifty-six, working at a lathe in a workshop on the outskirts of the city, and, ever since, he had used his disability to ask favors, or to wish the same bad luck on those who refused him.
Había perdido el brazo derecho en edad avanzada, a los cincuenta y seis años, trabajando en el torno en un taller de la periferia, y desde entonces usaba aquella invalidez para pedir favores, o para augurar a quien se los negaba su misma desgracia.
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