Traducción para "stavi" a ingles
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Volevo solo vedere se stavi bene.
You have to stay away.
- Le hai detto dove stavi?
- You tell her where you were staying?
Stavi con Angela Vickers.
You were staying with Angela Vickers.
- Ma mi stavi accanto lo stesso.
- Why did you stay?
Gli ho detto dove stavi.
I told him where you were staying.
Sapeva che stavi da me.
He knows you stay over there.
Perche' stavi nella sua stanza?
Why were you staying in her room?
- Tu stavi lontano?
- You stayed away?
Stavi recuperando degli attrezzi...
Well, you stayed to dismantle some equipment.
È lì che stavi?
That's where you been staying?
Stavi praticamente strillando.
You were being a little loud.
- Stavi parlando sul serio?
- You were being serious?
- Ti stavi comportando gentilmente?
You were being gentle.
Stavi diventando testardo...
You were being pig-headed...
- Stavi per sposarti?
- You were going to be married?
Stavi facendo dell'autoironia?
Is that supposed to be self-deprecating?
Stavi diventando fastidioso.
You were being annoying.
Stavi facendo la responsabile.
- You were being responsible.
Stavi alla porta ad ascoltare?
Standing at the door listening?
Stavi in piedi proprio qui.
You were standing right here.
Stavi facendo la guardia.
You were standing guard.
Ecco, tu stavi cosi'.
- That's how you were standing.
So che mi stavi cercando.
I'm standing you looking for me.
Stavi a testa in giu'.
You were standing on your head.
Mi stavi difendendo?
You were standing up for me?
- Io ero qui, tu stavi li'.
you were standing there.
Stavi proprio li'!
You were standing right there!
Ci stavi troppo vicino.
You're standing too close.
Continua a fare quello che stavi facendo.
Go do roll calls for the rest of your life.
Tu stavi dov'è morto il Libanese con la banda.
You were on the scene of the crime last night with the rest of the gang.
- Tua madre mi ha detto che stavi riposando.
Your mom said you were resting. I was.
Gli ho detto che stavi riposando ma ha detto che non poteva aspettare.
I told him you were resting but he said it couldn't wait.
Lo sapevo che mi stavi dando la caccia, proprio come tutti gli altri.
Ho detto a Mr Barnard che stavi riposando.
I told Mr. Barnard that you were resting, Nicholas.
Stavi riposando cosi' bene..
You were resting so well...
Volevo solo sapere come stavi.
- Just checking how you're doing. Are you getting some rest?
Tu stavi seduto guardando, aspettando.
You were sitting around watching, waiting.
Beh, te ne stavi solo seduta li'.
Well, you were just sitting there.
- Stavi badando a Tom, quella sera?
Were you baby-sitting Tom that night?
Stavi uscendo? Sto per cenare.
- Just sitting down to dinner.
Stavi a pochi passi da me.
You sitting inches away from me.
ci stavi pensando? - No.
- about doing sit-ups?
Ti stavi sedendo qui?
Did you want to sit here?
No, tu gli stavi seduta accanto.
No, you just sit by.
Stavi davanti al computer.
- No. You were sitting at the computer.
E te ne stavi lì seduto?
No! And you were just sitting there?
Avevi detto che stavi solo aiutando, che sarei rimasto io a capo.
That I would remain the primary.
Tieni la bocca chiusa da quando abbiamo scoperto che stavi mentendo.
You're remaining silent after since your lie was blown, this bastard!
Stavi facendo cio' che facevo io.
You're living the same way I was.
E dov'è che stavi?
Where'd you live?
E perché stavi lì?
- Why did you live there?
- Dove stavi da bambino?
- You lived somewhere.
Stavi cercando di salvare delle vite.
You were trying to save lives.
Che stavi schiantandoti e sei vivo?
Your plane crashed, you live.
- Con chi stavi ?
-Who did you live with?
Dove stavi andando?
Where'd you go?
Non stavi andando?
Weren't you going?
Lasciami! Stavi mentendo!
Let go of me.
Stavi piagnucolando o ti stavi abbronzarndo?
Are you going to cry, or are you going to finish your tanning session?
Dove stavi vagando?
Where'd you just go?
Cosa stavi dicendo?
Go away, Jen.
Cosa stavi facendo?
What's going on?
- Stavi per farlo.
You were going to.
ma stavi mentendo?
You said it was to save yourself, but was that a lie?
Beh, mi spiace, ma mentire dicendo che stavi andando al college?
Well, I'm sorry, but to lie about leaving for college?
Dille che la stavi usando, che non le hai detto altro che bugie.
Tell her you were using her, that everything you told her was a lie.
Stavi mentendo sul fatto di avere poteri naturali non sei un alieno?
Isn't the supernatural alien thing all a lie?
La bugia c'e' stata quando hai detto a Nora che stavi mentendo.
The lie was when you told Nora you were lying.
Cosa stavi cercando?
Don't you lie to me. What were you looking for?
Non mi devi mentire mai piu', hai capito? - Stavi per rapirla!
You never lie to me again, you understand this?
- Stavi facendo qualcosa?
- You doing anything?
Che stavi facendo?
What're you doing?
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