Traducción para "se emborrachaban" a ingles
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Se dice que se emborrachaban a base de appletinis y se enrollaban.
Rumor has it they used to get drunk on appletinis and hook up.
Demasiado arruinados permitirse drogas, se emborrachaban con cerveza, o con leche fermentada.
Too broke to afford drugs, they'd get drunk on beer, on fermented milk.
- ¿Se emborrachaban juntos? - ¿Qué?
- Did you ever get drunk together?
Hablaron de cómo se emborrachaban juntos y de sus señas secretas.
You know, talking about getting drunk together and secret handshakes and...
Hacían ruido, se emborrachaban, pero no me dejaban usar el baño.
They'd get loud, they'd get drunk, but they wouldn't let me use the toilet.
En especial, los pilotos se emborrachaban después de las misiones y... se divertían disparando a los judíos, habitualmente en la cabeza.
In particular, the pilots would get drunk after missions and... amuse themselves by shooting Jews, usually in the head
Se emborrachaban y adormilaban, y a veces Ozu se quedaba dormido en medio del salón.
They'd get drunk and groggy, and sometimes Ozu would fall asleep right in the parlor.
Cuando nosotros éramos niños, nuestros papás se emborrachaban y nos hacían pelear.
When we were kids, our dads used to get drunk and make us fight each other.
Cuando era niño, mi papá y sus amigos de la armada se emborrachaban y disparaban municiones de rastreo por las noches en la base.
When I was a kid, my dad and his army buddies Would get drunk and fire tracer rounds at night on the base,
Pero otros culpaban a Dios y se emborrachaban.
And most of them just go to work... but some of them blame their troubles on God and get drunk... to forget, to run away...
Ellos no se emborrachaban ni fornicaban.
They did not get drunk and fornicate.
¿Se emborrachaban las hormigas? Me imaginé que sí.
Did ants get drunk? I imagine they did.
¿Se emborrachaban con amigos los sábados en las noches?
Did they get drunk with their friends on Saturday night?
La mayor parte del tiempo estaba borracho y ellos se emborrachaban junto con él.
He was drunk most the time on schnapps and they would get drunk with him.
Los ordenadores no se emborrachaban ni olvidaban, no se arrepentían, les daba lo mismo.
Computers didn’t get drunk or forget, had no regrets, didn’t care.
A veces, si podían birlar un poco de vino o de cerveza, se emborrachaban al volverse.
Sometimes, when they got back, if they could filch some wine or ale, they would get drunk.
—Cuando eran unos críos, él y su hermano traían la barca, pescaban, se emborrachaban y volvían a casa antes de que oscureciera.
When they were kids, he and his brother would ride their boat here, fish, get drunk, then head back home before dark.
Pero no se emborrachaban enseguida, lo cual era alentador.
But they did not immediately become drunk, which was encouraging.
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