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Entonces, insultó a mi madre, tachándola de ustasha, y me preguntó por qué lo miraba.
Then he cursed my Ustasha mother and asked me why I was looking at him.
Una vez terminados sus preparativos y el propio examen, el Canadá miraba de cara al futuro, hacia la etapa de aplicación.
Having completed the preparations for its review and the review itself, Canada was looking ahead to the implementation phase.
Sin embargo, tenía algunos recortes de prensa, pero cada vez que los miraba sentía dolor, y lo mismo le sucedía a mi padre.
I had some clippings, but every time I looked at them I got upset and so did my father.
Hace un año miraba a esta Asamblea con la frustración de no haber podido rescatar a Ingrid Betancourt y a sus compañeros de cautiverio.
One year ago, I looked out at this Assembly in the frustration of not having been able to rescue Ingrid Betancourt and those held in captivity with her.
Desde una ventana, vio a N. N. que miraba por la ventana del piso inferior.
From a window, he saw N.N. looking out of the window below.
Por la forma en que estaba de pie, se movía, hablaba y miraba, se podía percibir claramente que aquella mujer llevaba la dignidad en sus genes espirituales.
The way she stood, moved, talked, and looked made it clear that this woman has dignity built right in her spiritual genes!
Si uno miraba las actividades de mantenimiento de la paz desde fuera de las Naciones Unidas, llamaban la atención dos cosas: la proliferación de misiones y su longevidad.
If one looks at peacekeeping from outside the United Nations, two things are striking: the proliferation of missions and their longevity.
Actualmente existe una laguna en la fuerza de trabajo correspondiente a los empleos técnicos de nivel medio porque ese tipo de educación se miraba con menosprecio.
Currently there was a vacuum in the workforce in middle-level technical jobs because such education was looked down on.
Cuando yo lo miraba, se llevaba una mano a la cabeza.
Whenever I looked at him, he would put a hand over his head.
El ejemplo que hay que evitar es el de Rwanda, donde fueron asesinados alrededor de 1 millón de personas mientras el mundo entero miraba para otro lado.
The example to be avoided is that of Rwanda, where an estimated one million people were killed while the entire world was looking in other directions.
Yo te miraba, tú me mirabas..
l looked at you, you looked at me..
Los miraba, y miraba a mis chicos...
Man, I looked at them kids and I looked at my boys...
Te miraba y te miraba y esperaba.
I looked at you and I looked at you and I waited.
Bueno, tú me mirabas y yo te miraba.
You looked at me and I looked at you.
Yo miraba porque tú me mirabas.
I was looking because you were looking.
Yo la miraba, ella miraba a Ricky.
I was looking at her, she was looking at Ricky.
Yo no miraba.
I wasn't looking.
Yo la miraba y ella me miraba.
I looked at her and she looked at me.
Él me miraba, me miraba, sólo me miraba.
He just looked at me—and looked and looked.
Bea miraba, miraba, miraba con ojos sedientos.
She looked and looked and looked — her eyes thirsted.
Y todo lo que miraba, lo miraba de cerca.
And whatever he looked at, he looked at closely.
miraba a Jonas, que lo miraba a él.
I looked at Jonas, who was looking at him.
La gente lo miraba y miraba a otro lado.
People looked and looked away.
Yo miraba y miraba: el caño, el muro.
I’d look and look: at the sewer, the wall.
Cada día leía tres periódicos albaneses y miraba la presentación del juicio en la televisión del país.
Every day I studied three Albanian newspapers and watched the way in which the trial was presented on Albanian TV.
- Miraba. Lo sé.
Watching, I know.
Ricco también miraba.
Ricco also watched.
Sólo miraba televisión.
Just watching TV.
Las miraba, # las miraba y me reía,
I was watching them,... ¤ and watching them, they made me smile,... ¤
- Sólo me miraba.
-Just watching me.
Yo solo miraba.
I just watched.
Yo miraba platos.
I watched dishes.
—No sé. Martin los miraba. Wylie los miraba. Su esposa, Brooke, los miraba.
"Dunno." Martin watched. Wylie watched. His wife Brooke watched.
Mientras ella miraba el juego, yo la miraba a ella.
She watched the game; I watched her.
Y por delante de la gente que miraba a la gente que miraba a la gente.
And past the people watching the people watching the people.
Los miraba a todos.
He was watching them.
Recuerdo que mirabas hacia...
I remember seeing you.
A quién miraba?
Who was she seeing?
¿No miraba Roots?
Didn't you see Roots?
- No te miraba a ti.
- I wasn't seeing you.
- ¿A quién mirabas?
- Who were you seeing?
Ni siquiera lo miraba.
She didn't even see him
Pero él no los miraba.
But he didn’t see them.
pero era un hombre que miraba más allá.
but he was a far-seeing man.
Juliana lo miraba con otros ojos.
Juliana was seeing him in a different light.
Si él entraba y miraba, ¿dónde quedaba el misterio?
He could just walk in, get a side view, and then, where's the mystery? [laughs]
Miraba todo esto diciéndome: "Es hermoso contemplar tanto verdor desde la ventana de mi cuarto."
I enjoyed this view because I thought it was so nice to have all this greenery in my window...
Morgan lo miraba desconcertado.
Morgan viewed him with surprise.
Yo los miraba con ojos específicamente yanquis;
I took a particularly Yankee view of them;
La entrada no existía cuando se la miraba de lado.
The doorway disappeared when viewed from the side.
No miraba dos veces a los chicos... cuando salía.
Didn't get a second glance from boys when she went out
Apenas miraba hacia las personas alrededor de él.
Hardly a glance toward the people around him.
Nunca me gustó cómo me mirabas.
I still have it in the head. Your glance.
Porque Fausto ni siquiera la miraba.
Wouldn't give her a second glance.
Rowan miraba entre ellos.
Rowan glanced between them.
Vio que Nóra la miraba.
She caught Nóra’s glance.
Entre las víctimas mortales figuran un niño de 2 años, Amer Ahmed Ayad, que recibió un disparo en la cabeza cuando miraba por la ventana de su casa, y dos niños adolescentes, Mohammed Abdel Nasser Al-Dahdouh, de 13 años, y Ahmed Ramadan Al-Titr, de 15, que murieron por disparos a la cabeza cuando intentaban huir del tiroteo.
Among those killed were a 2-year-old boy, Amer Ahmed Ayad, who was shot in the head as he peered out of the window of his home, and two teenage boys, Mohammed Abdel Nasser Al-Dahdouh, 13 years old, and Ahmed Ramadan Al-Titr, 15 years old, who were both killed by bullets to the head as they tried to flee from the shooting.
Según se informa, el incidente ocurrió cuando unos agentes de policía observaron a la víctima que miraba con atención por la ventanilla de un automóvil estacionado.
The incident reportedly took place after police officers saw the victim peering into the window of the parked car.
Y el ojo bueno. ¿Miraba en la otra dirección?
And the gοοd οne was peering οff in an entirely different directiοn.
La chica que estaba en nuestro hotel habló sobre una mujer inglesa vestida de tweed que estaba con ella mientras miraba nuestro coche.
The girl who was staying in our hotel spoke about an English woman in tweed who was standing with her as she peered into our coupe.
Sí, miraba por el telescopio y revisaba el universo.
Yeah, I'd peer through the telescope and... search the universe.
Miraba por entre las persianas.
Peered between the blinds.
Martin miraba incrédulo.
Martin peered, incredulous.
Miraba por una de las ventanillas.
He was peering out one of the windows.
Tignor si se miraba muy de cerca.
Tignor if you peered closely.
Un chaval miraba desde el quicio de la puerta.
A child peered around the doorframe.
Ella se inclinaba sobre él, lo miraba de cerca.
She was leaning over him, peering close.
Genovese soy por nacimiento ... Y mi familia ...... sonrisas benevolentes de ... el placer que me miraba .
I am Genovese by birth and my family benevolent smiles of pleasure as he regarded me.
Yo lo miraba con cierta admiración porque él era 'El Profe'.
I regarded him with a certain amount of awe because he was 'The Prof'.
Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu miraba miraba miraba a Brahma Brahma Brahma...
Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu regarded regarded regarded Brahma Brahma Brahma .
Pero nadie los miraba.
But no one regarded them.
La miraba atentamente.
He was regarding her intently.
Me miraba impasible.
He was regarding me impassively.
Martin miraba al perro.
Martin regarded the dog.
Miraba a la libertad como los creyentes miran a la Virgen.
He always regarded liberty as believers regard the Virgin.
El bebé la miraba con placidez.
The baby regarded her placidly.
Sang lo miraba fijamente.
Sang was regarding him steadily.
Lewis la miraba atónito.
Lewis regarded her blankly.
Pero él no miraba a su alrededor.
But he wasn’t looking around.
Miraba alrededor con inquietud.
He looked around twitchily.
Miraba continuamente a su alrededor.
She was looking around the whole time.
¡Miraba con el ojo desnudo!
He used his bare eyes!
¡¿Por dónde mirabas?
Where do you keep your eyes?
Estaba gris, me miraba..
All grey, his eyes staring.
Ella te miraba.
She was eyeing you.
Eras tú quien me miraba.
It was you give me the eye.
Me miraba con ansiedad.
His eyes were anxious.
Miraba sin parpadear.
His eyes stared unblinking.
La gente la miraba al pasar.
People looked after her as she passed.
Hace un instante te miraba como un becerro enfermo.
He looked after you a moment ago like a sick calf.
Eleanor sostuvo la puerta abierta mientras miraba cómo se alejaba Crosby.
Eleanor, holding the door open, looked after her.
Alejandro miraba hacia la muchedumbre.
Alexander was looking about the crowd;
Miraba en derredor, parpadeando.
He was looking about him, blinking a little.
Perrin maldijo mientras miraba en derredor.
Perrin cursed, looking about.
Bets miraba en derredor suyo algo asustada.
Bets looked about her half-fearfully.
Davan miraba a su alrededor, los ojos abiertos como platos;
Davan was looking about wildly;
Y cuando miraba a su alrededor le era fácil creerlo.
And as he looked about him he could believe it.
Sólo miraba a su alrededor, aturdido.
He was simply looking about him in a bemused way.
Incluso Chamry miraba asombrado su alrededor.
Chamry himself was looking about with some amazement.
Wolfe lo miraba sin pestañear. —Siéntese, mister Frost.
Wolfe surveyed him. “Sit down, Mr. Frost.”
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