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Su pelo acariciaba mi cara...
Her hair caressed my face...
Nuestra boca realmente acariciaba El paisaje de cristal
Our mouth really caressed The crystal landscape
¿Viste cómo acariciaba su reloj?
Did you see her caressing his watch?
Las acariciaba... las besaba.
I caressed them... kissed them.
A veces, se acariciaba mientras me miraba.
Sometimes she'd watch and caress herself.
? que una vez que me acariciaba?
# That once caressed me #
Ella lo acariciaba gentilmente.
She would gently caress it.
Jelly Roll Morton no tocaba, acariciaba las notas.
Jelly Roll Morton didn't play, he caressed those notes.
El modo en que él le acariciaba la cara.
The way he caressed her face.
Me acariciaba la cabeza diciendo... "Eres mi niño".
She caressed my head saying "you're my child".
—Le acariciaba las manos.
He was caressing her hands.
Yo acariciaba ese libro.
I often caressed the book.
Acariciaba sus pechos.
He caressed her breasts.
El material acariciaba sus dedos.
The material caressed her fingers.
Acariciaba el azul de la manga.
He caressed the blue of the sleeve.
Me acariciaba y Andre estaba allí.
She was caressing me, and Andre was there.
Ya no me rozaba, ni me acariciaba.
He was no longer rubbing me or caressing me.
—Todavía le acariciaba la mejilla.
He was still caressing her cheek.
Ella lo acariciaba con mano distraída.
She caressed him with a distracted hand.
En la fiesta los únicos invitados eran otros chicos de la misma edad y él observó cómo el anfitrión le acariciaba la pierna a uno de esos chicos.
At the party the only guests were other boys of a similar age and he witnessed the host stroking the leg of one of these boys.
Te acariciaba el pelo suavemente.
And she was stroking your hair, very gently.
Me acariciaba las mejillas
She stroked my cheeks.
Yo le acariciaba el pelo.
I would stroke his hair.
La acariciaba el pelo.
He stroked her hair.
Acariciaba su suave piel.
He stroked her soft skin.
Luego ella me acariciaba el cabello.
Then she... She'd stroke my hair.
Cuando estaba triste, lo acariciaba.
When I was sad, I stroked him
Acariciaba mi pelo. ¡Qué historias!
She strokes my hair. But what stories!
Algunas noches cuando dormías, yo me acariciaba.
Some nights when you were sleeping, I stroked.
Dijo que si yo acariciaba a la bestia...
She said if I stroke the beast...
La elogiaba y la acariciaba.
He praised it and stroked it.
Ella acariciaba al perro.
She was stroking the dog.
le acariciaba el corazón.
it stroked his heart.
Le acariciaba el pelo.
She stroked his hair.
Le acariciaba la frente.
She stroked his forehead.
Me acariciaba los muslos.
He was stroking my thighs.
Él le acariciaba la espalda—.
He was stroking her back.
Me acariciaba el pelo.
She stroked my hair.
—Y le acariciaba la cabeza.
And he would stroke his head.
Nada, sólo lo acariciaba.
Nothing, I was just petting it.
Si acariciaba a un perrito, se moría-
If she petted a puppy, it died.
Sólo lo acariciaba con los dedos mientras andábamos.
I was just petting it with the fingers while we was walking along.
Acariciaba al-- - ¿Y por qué lo diría?
I was petting the... - Why would he say that?
- Sólo le acariciaba.
- I was just petting him.
Acariciaba al perro, luego se fue...
I was petting the dog, and then the dog left
Y siempre acariciabas el terciopelo y decías que siempre habías querido un gato.
And you used to pet the velvet and say how you always wanted a cat.
La levantaba y acariciaba.
He could pick it up, pet it.
—le susurré mientras lo acariciaba.
I whispered as I petted him.
Le estaba hablando al perro y lo acariciaba.
She was talking to the dog and petting him.
Su madre le acariciaba la cara. Lo arrullaba.
She’d pet his face. She’d coo.
Cuando novios lo acariciaba con pasión.
during their engagement she had been so passionate in her petting.
El chico acariciaba la cabeza de su mascota y le decía algo.
He petted the dog’s head and said something to it.
Fiametta le acariciaba el morro aterciopelado y escuchaba.
Fiametta petted its wide velvety nose and listened.
Mientras hablábamos, Mina acariciaba al conejo distraídamente.
As we spoke, Mina pet the rabbit absently.
pero si lo intentaba de noche, ella me acariciaba como a un niño.
but if I tried it at night, she would pet me like a child.
Con las manos descubiertas acariciaba al perro en su regazo.
She had bared her hands in order to pet the dog in her lap.
Y Pantelica acariciaba ese cabrito y lo llamaba "mi pequeño" ...
How Pantelica would pat that lamb and call it "baby"...
Me acariciaba la nuca.
He patted me on the back of my neck.
No le hablaba ni le acariciaba.
He did not talk to him, or pat him.
Carol acariciaba la viga y escuchaba.
Carol was patting the girder and listening to it.
No se daba cuenta de que Gideon la acariciaba.
She was unaware of Gideon’s patting her.
Hermione acariciaba su hombro cariñosamente.
Hermione patted her shoulder gently.
Jérôme la acariciaba la mano, sin contestar.
Jerome made no answer, but patted her hand.
Tomaba café y acariciaba a Ricky.
She’d been sipping coffee and patting Ricky.
Aplastaba y acariciaba su cabello blanco.
He pressed and patted his white hair.
Acariciaba a Puce, que había saltado sobre sus rodillas.
The dog jumped onto his knee and he began patting it.
Honestamente, Eleanor, ¿quien lo acariciaba como un niño?
Honestly, Eleanor, who fondled you as a child?
Desde que compartí con el grupo que mi tío me acariciaba.
Ever since I shared in group about my uncle fondling me.
Acariciaba tu cabeza sin cuerpo recorriendo mis dedos por tu cabello, haciéndote sonreír y fruncir el ceño.
I fondled your bodiless head running my fingers through your hair, making you smile and frown.
¡No acariciaba mi jersey de lana!
I was not fondling my lambswool sweater!
Sus estudiantes no estaban listos cuando les acariciaba el culo.
Your students weren't ready when you fondled their asses.
Mientras acariciaba a Katya, mi novia almohada pensé en cómo las cosas habían cambiado para todos.
As I fondled Katya, my pillow girlfriend, I thought about how things had changed for us.
Una mujer me acariciaba.
A woman fondled me.
Tu padre no te acariciaba de niño, ¿no?
Your father fondled you as a child, didn't he?
La acariciaba como se acaricia a un niño muy querido—.
He fondled it as another might fondle a beloved child.
Me acariciaba las orejas.
She fondled my ears.
Acariciaba algo que tenía en las manos.
He fondled something in his hands.
Rafael ya acariciaba los dineros.
Rafael was already fondling the money.
Nicholas acariciaba las orejas al perro.
Nicholas was fondling the dog’s ears.
En él, una sonrosada mujer desnuda acariciaba a un cupido, o se dejaba acariciar por él.
A naked pink woman sat fondling or being fondled by a cupid.
En la penumbra, le acariciabas los pechos.
In the half-light you fondled her breasts.
—Vete —dijo a la monita, mientras la acariciaba—.
“Snubby,” he said to the little monkey, fondling her.
¿Te has fijado en la cara que puso cuando acariciaba ese colmillo?
Did you notice his face as he fondled that tusk?
Era la mujer: arrodillada a su lado, le acariciaba el pene.
It was the woman: she was kneeling beside him fondling his penis.
Evelyn acariciaba a muchos hombres aunque la persona con la que más estaba no ha venido.
Evelyn cuddled with a lot of men, although the person she spooned with most isn't here.
Eso le gustará. No le diré que ella me acariciaba como se hace con los niños pequeños.
He’ll like that. I won’t tell him she cuddled me like I was a little boy.
Ella no podía ver lo que pasaba en el lugar en que Mal acariciaba uno de los perros, como lo haría una niña, mientras Hod jugaba en forma muy distinta con el otro.
She could not see what went on where Mai cuddled one puppy, girl-fashion, while Hod played in quite another fashion with the other.
—dijo Bret, haciendo gesto de llamar al camarero en vano, dado que estaban todos concentrados en una mesa del rincón sonriendo a la imagen de un presentador del telediario que acariciaba un chihuahua—. ¿Quieres café? —Sí —contestó ella—.
The staff were all standing round a table in the corner smiling at a TV newsreader who was being photographed cuddling a smooth-coated chihuahua. 'Do you want coffee?' 'Yes,' she said.
– rugió Antonio. Octaviano no delataba ninguna emoción, ni en la cara ni en los ojos muy abiertos. Nada en su postura daba a entender que estuviera asustado o tenso. Tenía los brazos caídos, y con las manos acariciaba distraídamente los pliegues de la toga. Tampoco le sudaba la piel.
Antony roared. Octavian stood expressionless, eyes wide and completely opaque, nothing in his pose betraying fear or even tension. His hands, left cuddling folds of toga, right by his side, were curved in a relaxed manner, and his skin was free of sweat.
Un rayo de sol acariciaba uno de mis tobillos.
A shaft of sunlight tickled one of my ankles.
El aire frío le acariciaba las nalgas desnudas debajo de la falda.
Under her skirt, the cool air tickled her bare bottom.
—preguntó el muchacho, contento, mientras acariciaba a Crookshanks detrás de una oreja.
he asked happily as he tickled Crookshanks behind the ears.
Estaba tan cerca de ella que su aliento le acariciaba la piel—.
He stood so close to her that as he spoke, his hot breath tickled her skin.
–¿Qué palabra utilizasteis, obispo? – pregunté al tiempo que acariciaba su garganta con Hywelbane.
‘What word did you use, Bishop?’ I asked, tickling his throat with Hywelbane.
Lacie comenzó a mecerse sobre las rodillas. Su largo cabello acariciaba los hombros de Cath.
Lacie began to swing from her knees, her long hair tickling Cath’s shoulder.
Sonreí perezoso y la admiré a corta distancia mientras su mano me acariciaba ociosamente la oreja.
I smiled lazily, admiring her at close quarters while her hand idly tickled my ear.
Me senté en el escalón de la puerta y jugueteé con las orejas de Jonas, que se sacudían y daban chasquidos cuando las acariciaba.
I sat on the door step and played with Jonas’s ears, which flicked and snapped when I tickled them.
"Cómo me acariciaba en su regazo... y me besaba..."
How she hugged me on her little lap And kissed me
Cuando me acostaba, lo abrazaba a Marcos, le acariciaba la cabeza.
When I went to bed, I started to hug Marcos, to run my hand over his hair.
La luz de las velas acariciaba el perfil de su cuerpo.
The candlelight hugged the outline of her body.
El brazo gordo de gabardina acariciaba la cintura menuda de ella.
The fat gabardine arm was hugging her small waist.
—Mmm…, cariñito —dijo con un ronroneo mientras acariciaba al felino—.
"Mmmm, my baby!" she cooed, hugging the captive feline.
Abuela Elena me retaba y al mismo tiempo me acariciaba, histéricamente.
Grandma Elena scolded me and hugged me, both at the same time, hysterically.
Acariciaba y acunaba a la muñeca como alguien que está muriendo de congelación y sin embargo afirma que tiene calor.
When she hugged and rocked that doll it was like listening to someone freezing to death say they feel warm.
La cola prensil se crispó mientras le acariciaba la nariz, hasta que Honor se echó a reír y lo abrazó una vez más.
His prehensile tail twitched as he touched her nose with his, and she laughed as she hugged him close once more.
Emocionaba ver al enhiesto tío Jem contemplando orgulloso su hijo, tan crecido, al tiempo que acariciaba a los otros cariñosamente.
It was good to see bluff Uncle Jem look proudly at his tall son, and fondly hug the little ones.
Sus ojos y pelo, bajo un pañuelo de esposa, y el vestido blanco que acariciaba su agilidad eran lo único brillante alrededor.
Her eyes and hair, beneath a wife's kerchief, and the white gown that hugged her litheness were the only things bright, anywhere around.
Acariciaba la idea de dejar el trabajo.
She toyed with the notion of quitting.
La condesa acariciaba la idea de capitular.
She toyed with the idea of capitulation.
Hilde acariciaba la idea de abandonar el «París».
Hilde toyed with the idea of leaving the Paris.
Acariciaba la idea de sacar todo mi dinero del Banco de las Dunas.
I even toyed with the idea of withdrawing all my money from the Bank of the Dunes.
—No, es de sentido común. Me acariciaba el vientre con una mano y, con la otra, jugaba con mis cabellos.
‘No, it is good sense.’ One hand lingered on my belly, the other toyed with my hair.
Arik estaba fascinado por la suavidad de la piel de Megera mientras le acariciaba el cuello.
Arik was fascinated by the true softness of her skin as he toyed with her neck.
Detectó también el borde de una mesa y una mano blanca de largos dedos que acariciaba una varita.
He could see the edge of a table, and a long-fingered white hand toying with a wand.
Drugar dijo esas palabras en un susurro, mientras se acariciaba la barba larga y florida con una mano.
Drugar spoke quietly, one hand toyed with his long, flowing beard.
Con una mano se acariciaba la barba y con la otra jugueteaba con el pergamino grabado que finalizaba el apoyabrazos del asiento.
One hand fingered the bristles beneath his chin, while the other toyed with the carved scroll that ended the seat’s armrest.
La luna lo acariciaba con su luz.
The moon fawned over him like a disciple.
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