Käännös "were raised" espanja
- What? They were raised by their parents, Ben.
Fueron criados por sus padres, Ben.
You both were raised Catholic.
Ambos fueron criados Católicos.
They were raised together, they learnt how to fight together,
Fueron criados juntos, aprendieron como pelear juntos...
He asked us, "You two were raised Catholic.
Él nos preguntó: "Ustedes dos fueron criados Católicos.
I mean, just because you two were raised by Scotch wolves.
Sólo porque ustedes dos fueron criados por lobos escoceses.
Our kids were raised right.
Nuestros chicos fueron criados bien.
They were raised by women.
Fueron criados por mujeres.
They were raised by their mother.
Fueron criados por su madre.
They were raised together.
Ellos fueron criados juntos.
All were raised with good nutrition with good clothes.
Todos fueron criados con buena alimentación con buena ropa.
The Pandavas and Kauravas were raised together;
Los Pandava y los Kaurava fueron criados juntos;
Romulus and Remus were princes, but they were raised by a swineherd.
Rómulo y Remo eran príncipes, pero fueron criados por un porquerizo.
They were raised in one of the most austere times in American history.
Fueron criados en una de las épocas más austeras de la historia de Estados Unidos.
"We'll say we were raised in revelry."
"Vamos a decir que se plantearon en la juerga."
Some 700,000 new recruits were raised, partly for the Volkssturm, a sort of Home Guard, and partly to replace his terrible losses in both east and west.
Se plantearon algunas 700.000 nuevos reclutas, en parte por la Volkssturm, una especie de Guardia, y en parte para reemplazar su terrible pérdidas en el este y el oeste.
all the workers on whose backs these great edifices were raised and you never hear about them.
y el levantamiento y corte - todos los trabajadores sobre cuyas espaldas estos grandes edificios se plantearon y nunca se oye hablar de ellos .
Some very grave issues were raised.
Se plantearon algunas cuestiones muy graves.
All these questions were raised at the time of the exhibition and afterward when a book of the photographs, Without Sanctuary, was published.
Todas estas preguntas se plantearon en el periodo de la exposición y después, cuando se publicó Without Sanctuary [Sin santuario], un libro con las fotografías.
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