Käännös "raise himself" espanja
Raise himself
The figure tried to raise himself.
La figura intentó levantarse.
he could no longer raise himself;
ya no podía levantarse sola;
He gasped, tried to raise himself up.
Jadeó al tiempo que intentaba levantarse.
Choking, he could not raise himself from the sofa.
Asfixiado, era incapaz de levantarse del sofá.
Samuel was trying to raise himself into a sitting position.
Samuel había comenzado a levantarse sobre los brazos para sentarse.
Wen raised himself in his chair with some difficulty.
Wen tuvo ciertas dificultades para levantarse de la silla.
Dirk tried and failed to raise himself on his elbows.
Dirk intentó levantarse con los codos, sin conseguirlo.
Half buried in rubble, Harry tried to raise himself.
Medio enterrado en los escombros, Harry trató de levantarse.
Black Skull raised himself again. “No, Green Spider.
Cráneo Negro volvió a levantarse. —No, Araña Verde.
It was hopeless, he could not raise himself a centimetre.
no podía elevarse ni un centímetro.
He does not want to raise himself above the mass.
no quiere elevarse sobre la masa;
He raised himself to tower over the flashy dragon form.
Se irguió para elevarse sobre la deslumbrante forma de dragón.
He punched the controls to the bed and began raising himself into the V.
Pulsó los mandos de la cama y ésta empezó a elevarse en forma de uve.
He wished that he had some way of raising himself into the air: a kite, a balloon, a small airship.
Deseó tener a su alcance algún modo de elevarse: una cometa, un globo, una pequeña aeronave.
“I’m sorry,” Ron said, moaning a little as he raised himself to look at them, “but it feels like a – a jinx or something.
–Lo siento -dijo Ron, gimiendo un poco al elevarse para mirarlos-, pero se siente como una… una maldición o algo así.
He was raising himself on his elbows so as to inch backward when he thought he saw a movement in the cave.
Iba a elevarse sobre los codos a fin de iniciar el retorno, cuando creyó detectar unos movimientos en la cueva.
through his mens the wise man can raise himself above the stars. So Hermes the Thrice-great says.
por medio de su mens el hombre sabio puede elevarse más allá de las estrellas, así lo dice Hermes el Tres-Veces-Grande.
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