Фразы в похожем контексте
Примеры перевода
Eh bien, je transportais cette fille à L.A.
Well, I was transporting this one to L.A.
La semaine dernière, je transportais des briques.
Last week, I was transporting bricks.
Sans offense, je transportais de la semence réfrigérée.
I don't mean to be rude, but I was transporting chilled semen.
Je transportais son frère qui était l'homme en détail.
I was transporting his brother were the men in my detail.
C'est rien, je transportais quelques cartons de cigarettes.
Nothing, just transporting some cartons of cigarettes.
En fait, je transportais de très précieuses orchidées.
Anyway, I was shall we say, transporting some very valuable orchids.
Je l'ai connu quand je transportais des prisonniers.
I know him from my days of transporting convicts.
Vers où transportais-tu ces flingues et explosives ?
Where were you transporting those guns and explosives?
Tu ne veux pas savoir ce que tu transportais?
Don't you wanna know what you were transporting?
Putain pourquoi la transportais tu?
Why the hell were you transporting her?
Je transportais des documents chiffrés !
. He is carrying maps deciphered.
Je transportais 8 millions de dollars.
Well, I was actually carrying $8 million.
Je transportais mes crayons dedans.
I used to carry my crayons in it.
Qui a dit que tu transportais un film ?
Who said you were carrying a film?
Je transportais une pastèque.
I carried a watermelon.
- Ce soir, je transportais l'argent.
- Tonight I was carrying the payroll.
Je les transportais dans un panier.
I put him in a basket carry with me everywhere.
Comme si tu transportais ce lourd secret.
Like you're carrying around this big secret.
Qu'est-ce que je transportais ?
So, what was that thing I was carrying?
"Comme si je transportais des kilos de cocaïne. Je ressemble à un Cubain ?"
As if moving kilos of cocaine
Quand tu transportais des poulets, jusqu'où es-tu allé, le plus loin d'ici?
When you were hauling chickens in the summer for Kaiser, what was the furthest you ever got off the island?
Windlifter était bûcheron, Cabbie était dans l'armée, et moi, je transportais des marchandises à Anchorage.
Windlifter was a lumberjack, Cabbie was in the military, and me, well, I hauled cargo up in Anchorage.
Ce truc que je transportais, le phosgène, qu'est-ce que tu crois qu'ils veulent en faire, hein ?
That stuff I've been hauling, the phosgene, what do you think they're planning on doing with it, huh?
Deux jours plus tard, la police de Cleveland le retrouve au fond d'un lac attaché à un évier en fonte que tu transportais.
Two days later, Cleveland P.D. finds him at the bottom of a lake, tied to a cast iron sink you were hauling around.
Je transportais du gravier avant de découvrir les ordures.
Thanks. I was hauling gravel till I discovered garbage.
C'est ça que tu transportais ce jour-là.
That's what you were hauling the night the cop got killed.
Je transportais surtout des produits laitiers.
I used to haul, mostly dairy.
Disposais les tables, transportais les caisses de vin.
Lugging tables, carting crates of wine.
D'abord qu'est-ce que tu transportais?
What was on the cart?
Je transportais des armes de France en évitant le blocus.
I was running arms from France past the blockade. Trask betrayed me!
Tu transportais l'héro pour ta mère ?
were you running that smack for your mother? no.
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