Перевод для "tranquilizarnos" на английский
Примеры перевода
Tenemos que tranquilizarnos los dos.
We both need to calm down.
Tal vez deberíamos tranquilizarnos los dos un poco. —¡Tranquilizarme!
“Maybe we should all just calm down a little.” “Calm down!”
—Eh, vamos a tranquilizarnos un poco —intervino Sebastian.
“Hey,” Sebastian interjected, “hey, let’s calm down.”
—Creo que a todos nos hace falta respirar hondo y tranquilizarnos.
“I think we all need to take a breath and calm down.”
—Debemos tranquilizarnos y controlarnos —dijo, con voz temblorosa—.
‘Let us calm down and pull together,’ she said in a trembling voice.
—Calma, calma —dije—. Ahora vamos a tranquilizarnos, ¿eh?
‘Now, now,’ I said. ‘Let’s calm down a bit, shall we?’
—Creo que deberíamos tranquilizarnos un segundo —intentó mediar Gordon.
“I think we should all calm down for a moment,” said Gordon.
¿Por qué no dice nada el comandante para tranquilizarnos?
Why doesn't the captain say something? We need to be reassured.
¿Se supone que debería tranquilizarnos?
Is that supposed to be reassuring?
- Dinero, debemos tranquilizarnos.
- Money, we must reassure us.
- ¿Se supone que eso debe tranquilizarnos?
- That's supposed to reassure us?
No lo necesitamos para tranquilizarnos respecto a nuestro hijo, Inspector.
We don't need you to reassure us about our son, Inspector.
No está hecha para tranquilizarnos, sino exactamente lo contrario.
It's not intended to reassure, quite the opposite,
-¿Eso tiene que tranquilizarnos?
-Supposed to be reassuring?
¿Quién podía tranquilizarnos cuando estábamos asustadas?
'Who could reassure us when we were afraid? '
¿Era ésa la forma en que Padre pretendía tranquilizarnos?
Was this Father's way of reassuring us?
Simon me mira. —¿Y lo dice para tranquilizarnos?
Simon looks at me. “This is supposed to reassure us?
Ya olvidará, con el tiempo -añadió con intención de tranquilizarnos.
‘He’ll forget in time,’ he added, trying to reassure us.
Podemos tranquilizarnos diciendo: no se lo creen.
You can always reassure yourself with the thought that they don’t believe what they’re saying.
—Esperábamos que vuestra excelencia pudiera tranquilizarnos a ese respecto.
“We were hoping that your gracious self could reassure us?”
Al menos eso es lo que nos decimos en voz baja para tranquilizarnos.
At least that is what you tell yourself in a low voice so as to reassure yourself.
Ni siquiera Lene tenía una frase grosera para tranquilizarnos, como solía ocurrir.
Even Lene was unable to drum up her usual reassuring indelicacy.
Xexamedes insiste en tranquilizarnos de que todo está bien con Morreion: ¡un enigmático ejercicio!
“Xexamedes persists in reassuring us that all is well with Morreion: an enigmatic exercise!”
Puede que su única intención fuese tranquilizarnos, aunque me gustaría creer que intentaba tranquilizarse a sí misma.
Perhaps she meant merely to reassure us, but I would like to believe she was trying to reassure herself.
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