Перевод для "ganando peso" на английский
Ganando peso
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Примеры перевода
No está ganando peso del modo que yo esperaba.
Not really gaining weight the way I would've expected.
Continúa ganando peso y está más tiempo despierto.
He continues to gain weight and he's spending more time awake.
- Vaya, estás ganando peso.
My, you're gaining weight. Yes.
- Parece que está ganando peso muy rápido.
- Just notice how quickly he is gaining weight.
Sin importar lo que haga, Sigo ganando peso.
No matter what I do,I keep gaining weight.
Harriet está ganando peso justo como se espera.
Harriet is gaining weight right on schedule.
La gente preguntaba, "¿No estás ganando peso?"
People would say, "Aren't you gaining weight?"
Mandy, estas atragantándote. Y ganando peso cada minuto.
mandy... you're binging... and gaining weight by the minute.
# ¿Por qué bebo Coca Cola Light # # y sigo ganando peso?
♪ Like how come I drink Diet Coke ♪ ♪ And I keep gaining weight?
Que está ganando peso todo el tiempo!
You are gaining weight all the time!
Estás ganando peso por fin.
“You’re gaining weight finally.
Ella seguía ganando peso.
She continued to gain weight.
Quienes lo habían observado pensaban que simplemente estaba ganando peso.
Those who had observed it just thought she was gaining weight.
La mayoría seguíamos ganando peso, y podíamos trabajar y correr.
Most of us were still gaining weight, and could work and run.
—Miré constantemente, aprendí, de joven, todavía en el piso de arriba, ganando peso.
I gazed constantly, learning, a young man, top floor still, gaining weight.
Las constantes vitales del bebé eran normales y seguían sin saber por qué narices no estaba ganando peso.
All of the baby’s vital signs were good, but they couldn’t figure out why she wasn’t gaining weight.
Y como continuó mamando, lentamente fue ganando peso y color y empezó a moverse y retorcerse tal como tienen que hacer los bebés.
And slowly, as he continued to feed, he gained weight and colour and began to wriggle and writhe as infants should.
Al contrario que cualquier persona a su cargo, Honor estaba ganando peso con una dieta de raciones-e, lo que dejaba patente lo mal que la habían tratado los carceleros de SE.
Unlike anyone else in her small command, she was actually gaining weight on a diet of e-rats, which spoke volumes for how poorly her SS gaolers had treated her.
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