Перевод для "cuyo barco" на английский
Cuyo barco
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Claro, George Bailey, cuyo barco acaba de llegar a puerto, si es lo bastante listo para subir a bordo.
-George Bailey. Yeah, George Bailey, whose ship has just come in. Provided he has enough brains to climb aboard.
La duquesa y el oficial de la marina inglesa. Cuyo barco aparece de repente entre la flota española.
The duchess and the English naval officer whose ship just happens to sail into the Spanish fleet.
Y he visto un pirata que llevaba su peso en oro... y cuyo barco ten'a velas de sedas de colores
And I've seen a pirate who wore his weight in gold and whose ship had sails of colored silk.
Te ves como un hombre cuyo barco acaba de llegar.
You look like a man, whose ship has just come in.
Somos dos pobres pescadores cuyo barco se hundió.
Two poor fishermen whose ship sank.
Sr. presidente, la información del hombre cuyo barco interceptamos indica que los misiles fueron recogidos o fabricados en una pequeña isla llamada Paraíso.
Uh, Mr. President, the intel from the man whose ship we intercepted suggests that the missiles were either picked up or manufactured from a small island called Paraiso.
Donde el capitan Joshua aborda el eclipse, aceptando la espada del capitan español, cuyo barco el capturo.
Captain Joshua abord the eclipse, accepting the sword of Spanish Captain, whose ship he had captured.
—Por favor, señores —dijo—. Somos pobres marineros cuyo barco se ha estrellado contra un arrecife.
'Please, sirs,' he called, 'we are poor sailors whose ship struck a reef.
¿Qué elfo bebería con un extranjero cuyo barco transportaría pronto a un despreciable exiliado?
What elf would drink with an outlander, and one whose ship would soon hold a despised exile?
De modo que allí estaban, los dos sentados junto a una pequeña mesa en la playa, con una botella de vino de Madeira y un par de vasos de cristal entre ellos, todo eso alguna vez propiedad del capitán portugués cuyo barco había naufragado en el arrecife al sur de la isla.
And so here they were, the two of them sitting at a small table on the beach, with a bottle of Madeira wine and a couple of crystal glasses between them, all once the property of the Portuguese captain whose ship had foundered on the reef to the south of the island.
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