Перевод для "to serve as" на испанский
To serve as
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(a) To serve and defend the country;
a) Servir y defender a la Patria;
Serving equipment#
Equipo para servir comidas#
Humanity should not serve the economy; the economy should serve humanity.
La humanidad no debe servir a la economía; la economía debe servir a la humanidad.
For us, it will serve as a compass.
Nos servirá de brújula.
Never has the United Nations faced such an acute dilemma between serving all or serving only a few.
Nunca ha sido más agudo para las Naciones Unidas el dilema entre servir a todos o servir a unos pocos.
An asteroid modified to serve as a fortress moon.
Un asteroide modificado para servir como una luna fortaleza.
I'm to serve as this island's surgeon.
Estoy para servir como cirujano de esta isla.
This box was designed to serve as a zygon-rated quarantine facility.
Esta caja fue diseñada para servir como instalación de cuarentena de categoría Zygon.
As First Officer I say that you are unfit to serve as Captain.
Es mi parecer que no es apto para servir como capitán.
To serve as the shield to the border.
para servir como el escudo de la frontera.
To serve as our master's right hand.
Para servir como la mano derecha de nuestro amo.
I need you to serve as field supervisor until further notice.
Te necesito para servir como supervisor de campo hasta nuevo aviso.
There I selected Sherpa natives to serve as porters.
Aquí seleccioné a nativos Sherpa para servir como porteadores.
Dr. Park, I would be honored to serve as your personal physician.
Dr. Park, Sería un honor Para servir como su médico personal.
I do hereby instate one Lewis Dinkum to serve as deputy from this day forward.
Designo a Lewis Dinkum para servir como asistente de hoy en adelante.
Serve the people or serve the wealthy.
Servir al pueblo o servir a los ricos.
to serve the community is to serve the self.
servir a la comunidad es servir al individuo.
All in all, I think it will serve.” “Serve?”
Sí, en conjunto, creo que servirá. —¿Que servirá?
“I have to serve smallfolk ?” “Not serve. Help.
—¿Tengo que servir a los plebeyos? —Servir no. Ayudar.
“It will serve,” he concluded, “it will serve very well.”
Servirá —concluyó—, servirá perfectamente.
That you’ll serve the Prince and I’ll serve his brother.
Que servirás al príncipe y yo serviré a su hermano.
Did serving the Church equal serving God?
¿Era lo mismo servir a la Iglesia que servir a Dios?
‘Is serving with the Prince very different to serving with his brother?’
—¿Servir al príncipe es muy diferente de servir a su hermano?
Those who will not serve the populace shall serve the populace.
—Los que no quieren servir al populacho habrán de servir al populacho.
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