Übersetzung für "totalmente indiferente" auf englisch
Totalmente indiferente
Sin embargo, el Consejo de Seguridad no puede permanecer totalmente indiferente a los efectos que producen las sanciones.
However, the Security Council could not remain totally indifferent to the effects produced by sanctions.
Por consiguiente, ese país es totalmente indiferente a la muerte de cientos de miles de ancianos, mujeres y niños, que han muerto como consecuencia directa del bloqueo.
Thus, it is totally indifferent to the death of hundreds of thousands of elderly people, women and children — all those who have died as a direct result of the blockade.
Quienes apoyan el terrorismo oficial abierto de Israel, ¿cómo pueden declarase campeones de la lucha contra el terrorismo y tener además la osadía de acusar arbitrariamente a otros de apoyar al terrorismo? ¿Por qué esos países impiden toda medida significativa contra las atrocidades terroristas sionistas cometidas en la mezquita Ibrahimi en Al-Khalil? ¿Cómo es posible que sigan siendo totalmente indiferentes e incluso acepten la reciente explosión terrorista que mató e hirió a muchos peregrinos inocentes en el lugar más sagrado de nuestro país?
How can the supporters of the overt official terrorism of Israel declare themselves champions of the struggle against terrorism and yet have the audacity arbitrarily to accuse others of supporting terrorism? Why do these countries prevent any meaningful action against the Zionist terrorist atrocities in the Ibrahimi mosque in Al-Khalil? How do they remain totally indifferent to, and indeed acquiesce in, the recent terrorist explosion that killed and wounded many innocent pilgrims in the holiest shrine in our country?
No saben que en el territorio de la entidad serbia fueron asesinados o expulsados alrededor de medio millón de personas, el 40% de la población autóctona de Bosnia y Herzegovina antes de la guerra, y son totalmente indiferentes a este hecho.
They do not know that on the territory of the Serb entity, over half a million people, 40 per cent of the indigenous pre-war population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, were either killed or expelled, and they are totally indifferent to this fact.
Me alegra ver que después de todo no eres totalmente indiferente - a lo que pasa en esta familia.
I'm glad to see that, after all, you're not totally indifferent to what happens in this family.
Ella tocaría en el Troubadour, eso era muy cool, pero la gente estaba totalmente indiferente.
She would play at the Troubadour, that was very cool, but people were totally indifferent.
Son totalmente indiferentes al espectro que pasa por su ventana.
They're totally indifferent to the spectre that walks past their window.
Por mucho tiempo, has llevado con orgullo al ser totalmente indiferente a las tramas y a la política de este mundo.
And yet, for so long, you took immense pride in being totally indifferent to the machinations and politics of this world.
Su pico es tan eficiente demoliendo nidos de hormiga como taladrando en la madera, y el ave parece totalmente indiferente a las picaduras.
Its beak is just as efficient at demolishing an ant's nest as it is at drilling into wood, and the bird seems totally indifferent to the ants' sting.
Se mostraba totalmente indiferente a los estándares de comportamiento de allí.
He was totally indifferent to the standards of behavior there.
—Rich parece falto de conciencia, totalmente indiferente.
Rich seems without conscience, totally indifferent.
Ella se acomodó en el asiento, completamente relajada o totalmente indiferente.
She sat deep in the seat, either completely relaxed or totally indifferent.
Moody parecía totalmente indiferente a aquella fría acogida.
Moody seemed totally indifferent to his less-than-warm welcome.
—El asunto me resulta totalmente indiferente —dijo el traductor y se apagó.
"I am totally indifferent to the matter," the translator said, then turned itself off.
No sabía si cocinaba bien o mal: le era totalmente indiferente.
Whether she cooked well or badly he did not know; it was a matter of total indifference to him.
Le dirigió una sonrisa encantadora, más enamorado de ella que nunca, totalmente indiferente ahora a sus temores y objeciones.
He smiled at her, more in love with her than ever. And totally indifferent now to her fears and objections.
Varias manos se aprontaron a soste-nerla, menos las del dandy en la ventana, quien apenas la barrió con la vista, totalmente indiferente, como si ella fuera parte del amueblado.
Several hands hurried to support her, but not those of the dandy at the window, who barely swept his eyes over her, totally indifferent, as if she were part of the furniture.
Sorbía de tanto en tanto su granizado de lúcuma, los ojos fijos en algún punto de la mesa y totalmente indiferente a lo que decían su padre y su madrastra, como absorbido por una preocupación recóndita.
He sipped his eggfruit frappe from time to time, his eyes fixed on the table, totally indifferent to what his father and stepmother were saying, as if absorbed by a secret worry.
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