Übersetzung für "se volvieron estar" auf englisch
Se volvieron estar
El saqueo y las razzias se volvieron moneda corriente.
Looting and raiding also became common.
Siria y Jordania se volvieron más tarde independientes.
Syria and Jordan later became independent.
Así, las víctimas se volvieron los protagonistas de la construcción de su propio monumento conmemorativo.
Victims thus became the primary actors in constructing their own memorial.
Las opciones volvieron a aparecer después del ultimátum de la OTAN de 22 de abril de 1994.
Options once again became available after the NATO ultimatum of 22 April 1994.
Así pues, las misiones cedentes se volvieron reacias a ceder a su personal en esas circunstancias.
Releasing missions became reluctant to release their staff under those circumstances.
Como resultado de la presencia de minas, algunas de esas carreteras se volvieron completamente intransitables.
As a result of the presence of the mines, some of the roads became completely inaccessible.
Los sistemas bancarios locales se volvieron insolventes.
Local banking systems became insolvent.
Se volvieron más transparentes, responsables y receptivas.
It became more transparent, accountable and responsive.
Luego de estos choques, las relaciones entre ambas partes se volvieron muy tirantes.
8. Following these clashes, relations between the two sides became very tense.
En febrero y marzo, las manifestaciones de excombatientes en Man y Bouaké se volvieron violentas.
In February and March, demonstrations of former combatants in Man and Bouaké became violent.
Se volvieron indiferentes.
They became indifferent.
Se volvieron enormes.
They became enormous.
Se volvieron anacronismos.
Became anachronisms.
Se volvieron amigos.
The two became friends.
Las imágenes se volvieron más nítidas.
Images became sharper.
Los tres se volvieron inseparables.
The three became inseparable.
Se volvieron descoordinados, erráticos.
They became uncoordinated, erratic.
Los perros se volvieron frenéticos;
Dogs became frenetic;
Los chillidos se volvieron más agudos.
The squeaks became sharper.
they are returned be
A las 11.45 volvieron al interior del territorio iraní.
At 1145 hours they returned to the Iranian rear.
Al finalizar su visita volvieron a Israel.
They returned to Israel at the end of their visit.
A las 11.00 horas volvieron a la retaguardia iraní.
At 1100 hours they returned to the Iranian rear.
Posteriormente, algunas de esas personas volvieron a sus lugares de origen.
Some later returned to their areas of origin.
Ese mismo día volvieron.
They returned the same day.
Luego volvieron a su país.
They had subsequently returned home.
Luego volvieron a la retaguardia iraní.
They then returned to the Iranian rear.
A continuación, los niños volvieron con sus padres.
The children were then returned to their parents.
De éstas, aproximadamente 5.000 personas, volvieron a la ciudad de Abyei y sus inmediaciones, aunque muchas volvieron a las localidades circundantes por la noche.
Of these, approximately 5,000 persons returned to Abyei town and its immediate surroundings, although many return to outlying villages at nightfall.
– ¿Y cuando volvieron?
And when you returned?
Volvieron a la cocina.
They returned to the kitchen.
Volvieron a Licornio.
They returned to Unicorn.
Volvieron al césped.
They returned to the lawn.
Volvieron a Londres.
They returned to London.
Volvieron a llamar.
The pounding returned.
Volvieron al balcón.
They returned to the balcony.
Volvieron a la mesa.
They returned to the table.
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