Перевод для "reposaba" на английский
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La Sra. Winter indicó que era necesario aplicar medidas alternativas para resolver los conflictos, y que en muchas ocasiones la justicia restitutiva reposaba en un triángulo formado por la víctima, el infractor y la comunidad.
She indicated that alternative measures to deal with conflict were needed and that many times restorative justice rested on a triangle composed of the victim, the offender and the community.
12. Los miembros del Comité Asesor hablaron del fundamento jurídico de la cooperación internacional, que reposaba sobre principios firmemente establecidos, y de las dificultades para pasar de la teoría a la práctica.
12. The members of the Advisory Committee addressed the legal basis of international cooperation, which rested on well-established principles, and challenges in translating theory into reality.
5. Con respecto al tema 4 del programa, manifestó que, aparte de lo que ya se sabía en los mercados internacionales acerca de la cobertura de los riesgos catastróficos, en muchos países quedaba todavía bastante por hacer para conocer mejor los fundamentos técnicos sobre los cuales reposaba ese tipo de seguro.
With regard to agenda item 4, he felt that, beyond the established knowledge of the international markets which covered catastrophic risk, much remained to be done in many countries to better determine the technical foundations on which this type of insurance rested.
Esta situación reposaba sobre el principio de que ninguna de las partes podía someter a la otra a su autoridad ni arrogarse el derecho de gobernar a ambas comunidades ni al conjunto de la isla.
The state of affairs rested on the principle that neither of the parties had the right to rule the other, nor could either of them assume the right to be the government of both or the island as a whole.
Adiós, belleza, que reposabas sobre mi corazón, y con mi corazón parecias palpitar.
Farewell, beauty that rested next to my heart and seemed to beat in time with it.
La taza reposaba sobre sus rodillas.
Mug resting on her knee.
Su postura revelaba reposo. Pero no reposaba.
His posture suggested rest. But he wasn’t getting any rest.
la barbilla le reposaba en el pecho—.
Her chin rested on her chest.
La mano de él reposaba en su nuca.
His hand rested on the back of her neck.
El padre reposaba con los dioses de la familia.
Their father was resting with the family's gods.
Reposaba ahora el de corazón vigoroso.
Now rested that mighty heart.
La Espada Infinita reposaba contra la pila—.
The Infinity Blade rested against the pile.
Cuando escribía, reposaba sus emociones.
It was as if she put her thoughts to rest when she wrote.
Su mano temblorosa reposaba sobre el hombro de él.
Her trembling hand was resting on his shoulder.
La mano de Simon reposaba sobre su cabeza.
Simon's hand was resting on the back of his head.
Un ala de gasa que sobresalía de su cuerpo esbelto había caído y reposaba en el suelo.
One gossamer wing thrust out from the slender body and sagged to lie upon the ground.
no me podía imaginar construir un futuro con Emily sabiendo que reposaba al menos en parte en una mentira.
I couldn’t imagine building a future with Emily knowing it was constructed at least in part on a lie.
Pero la razón de sus presentes dificultades reposaba en un solo lugar que William había atinado a ubicar: a los pies de Sam Chang.
But the reason for their present hardship and danger seemed to lie in only one place, where William had assigned it: at Chang's own feet.
Como la sección estaba apoyada sobre un lado, la plataforma se encontraba en posición vertical y Toller reposaba sobre su espalda en una silla para operar sobre los mandos del quemador.
Because the section was lying on its side the floor was vertical and Toller had to lie on his back in his chair to operate the burner's controls.
Reposaba echada de lado con las manos sobre el vientre mientras Gottfrid se sentaba a su lado en una silla y le contaba lo que había hecho durante el día.
She would lie on her side with her hands on her belly while Gottfrid sat beside her on a chair and told her about his day.
Indicó la cámara colgada del cielorraso y luego al notebook que reposaba entre ambos, en el cual el detector de mentiras había grabado sus funciones vitales durante su declaración.
He pointed first at the camera in the ceiling, then at the laptop between them, on which the lie detector had recorded his vital signs during his statement.
Un enorme tintero reposaba sobre el escritorio.
An enormous inkstand reposed on the desk.
Señaló el cazo, que reposaba a su lado en el sofá.
He indicated the colander as it reposed beside him on the sofa.
Contemplé durante un rato su rostro, que reposaba serenamente.
I gazed for a long moment his face, which was peaceful in repose.
En una bandeja de plata, el pudding de Navidad reposaba en toda su gloria.
On a silver dish the Christmas pudding reposed in its glory.
El emperador fallecido reposaba para siempre cubierto con un manto dorado.
The late Emperor lay in calm repose, covered from the neck down by a cloth of gold.
Mi única esperanza era el vial que reposaba en el fondo de mi bolsillo.
My only hope, the vial which they had overlooked and which still reposed at the bottom of my pocket pouch.
En su interior vio a una mujer joven, encantadora, cuyo rostro reposaba tranquilo y sereno.
He saw in it a woman, young, lovely, her face calm and tranquil in repose.
La repisa en la que la copa reposaba estaba fuera del alcance de cualquiera de ellos, incluso de Ron, que era el mas alto.
The shelf on which the cup reposed was out of reach for any of them, even Ron, who was tallest.
Frente a él, sereno como nunca lo había visto en vida, reposaba Gawain con sus hermanos.
Opposite him, serene as he had never been in life, Gawain reposed with his brothers at his side.
El judío reposaba, blanco e inmóvil sobre el sofá.
The Jew lay white and motionless on the couch.
El chico reposaba de espaldas sobre su pequeño lecho.
The boy was lying on his back on his narrow couch.
Dalacott advirtió que el garrote ballinniano reposaba sobre la cama.
Dalacott noticed that the Ballinnian ptertha stick was lying on the couch.
Abe reposaba tendido en el sofá, con un montón de periódicos sembrados por el suelo, cerca de él:
Abe was stretched out an the couch, a pile of newspapers strewn on the floor near him.
Mientras desayunaban, centraron su atención en el misterioso cofre que reposaba al otro lado de la mesa.
While they ate, they turned their attention to the mysterious chest that sat on the couch across from their table.
Una de ellas, ya limpia, reposaba sobre el sofá en que tomara asiento, en su biblioteca, en el momento del accidente.
One of the pistols, already cleaned, lay on the couch where he had been sitting, in his library, at the time of the accident.
Mia pasó por su lado sin esperar a su respuesta, y posó la mirada en el sofá donde reposaba su hijo.
Fortunately, Mia drifted past him into the penthouse without awaiting an answer. Her gaze moved to her son on the couch.
Ni siquiera en la calma nacarada de un amanecer invernal, cuando la neblina aún reposaba sobre los prados que bordeaban la A9, se podía confiar en que hubiera trechos muy largos sin obstáculos.
Even in the nacreous hush of a winter dawn, when the mists were still dossed down in the fields on either side, the A9 could not be trusted to stay empty for long.
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