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Además, lo obligaron a declararse culpable.
His son was forced to confess guilt.
Fueron ellos quienes obligaron a la comunidad internacional a actuar.
It was they who forced the international community to act.
Obligaron a las mujeres a cocinar para ellos.
They forced women to cook for them.
También le obligaron a consumir sustancias psicotrópicas.
The author was also forced to take psychotropic substances.
Entonces obligaron a su novio a violarla.
Her boyfriend was then forced to rape her.
Nos obligaron a pasar meses sin ropa.
We were forced [to go] for months without clothes.
Me obligaron a tragar su esperma.
They forced me to swallow their sperm.
Porque lo obligaron.
Because you forced him.
Quizá lo obligaron.
Maybe he was forced.
Mis padres me obligaron.
Parents forced me.
Háblame, ¿te obligaron?
Speak, did we force you?
No deberías consentirlo, Bettel. —¡Me obligaron! Me obligaron.
You really should not allow this, Bettel.’ ‘They forced me! They forced me.
No lo obligaron a nada.
He wasn’t forced into anything.
–Lo obligaron a hacerlo.
They forced him to it.
—¿La obligaron a entrar?
“Was she forced into it?”
Nos obligaron a beber.
They forced us to drink it.
nos obligaron a ello».
Had to, were forced to.
Me obligaron a asistir.
I was forced to attend.
Sírvanse comentar las denuncias de personas que declaran que durante los interrogatorios las encadenaron y ataron de manera dolorosa, las obligaron a permanecer en posturas forzadas, las privaron del sueño y las sometieron a amenazas e insultos.
Please comment on the reports of painful shackling and binding, immobilization in stress positions, sleep deprivation and the use of threats and verbal abuse during the interrogations.
Docenas de hadas asieron las cuerdas que ataban al demonio y obligaron a Bahumat a entrar de nuevo en la hornacina.
Dozens of fairies seized the ropes binding the demon and hurled Bahumat back into the alcove.
Cuando dos soldados lo desataron y le obligaron a ponerse en pie, lo hizo sin protestar y se dirigió dando traspiés al artilugio erigido para ejecutarlo.
When two soldiers untied his bindings and pulled him to his feet, he rose without protest and went stumbling towards the apparatus that had been erected for his execution.
Las privaciones obligaron a algunos refugiados a regresar a la República Árabe Siria.
Hardships compelled some refugees to return to the Syrian Arab Republic.
Esos factores obligaron a muchas personas de esas comunidades a salir de Kosovo.
These factors compelled many individuals of these communities to leave Kosovo.
Se ha informado de que algunas causas se decidieron utilizando mecanismos tradicionales que obligaron a las víctimas a casarse con los autores de los actos de violencia.
There are reports of cases settled through traditional mechanisms compelling victims to marry their perpetrator.
3. En la República Democrática del Congo las repetidas violaciones de los derechos de los refugiados y quienes buscaban asilo la obligaron a suspender las actividades del ACNUR.
3. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, repeated violations of the rights of refugees and asylum-seekers had compelled her to suspend UNHCR activities.
Los constantes ataques contra convoyes humanitarios obligaron finalmente a las Naciones Unidas a aumentar el rigor de su fase de seguridad.
Continuing attacks on humanitarian convoys eventually compelled the United Nations to upgrade its security phase.
Esos actos terroristas obligaron a mi país a recurrir a la Corte Internacional de Justicia, que falló a favor de Nicaragua y en contra de esos actos terroristas.
Those terrorist acts compelled my country to resort to the International Court of Justice, which ruled in favour of Nicaragua and against such terrorist acts.
Obligaron a mi hijo Rajesh Kumar a desvestirme.
My son Rajesh Kumar was compelled to disrobe me.
Estos sucesos nos obligaron a aplazar el período de sesiones que había sido programado para septiembre.
These events compelled us to postpone the session, which had been scheduled for September.
Las consideraciones de seguridad obligaron alguna vez a los países a asignar una parte desproporcionada de sus presupuestos nacionales a los gastos militares.
Security considerations have sometimes compelled countries to allocate a disproportionate share of their national budgets to military expenditure.
Y los agitados espíritus de las ovejas asesinadas obligaron a Marguerite a tejer sin descanso mientras su marido salía a luchar una vez y otra... y otra.
And the restless spirits of those murdered sheep compelled Marguerite to loom ceaselessly, even as her husband went off to fight again and again... and again.
Por coacción, o por otros medios desconocidos te obligaron a realizar ese asesinato.
Be it under duress or by some other unknown means, they compelled you to carry out the assassination.
Y ... Conocí a los mejores en todo este momento. Y fue duro saber eso ... deudas personales le obligaron de aceptar sobornos.
For me I was very pained to learn ... his personal debts compelled him to accept bribes.
Dice que a ella y a sus hermanas las obligaron a formar un altar obsceno... y las adoraron.
She says she and her Sisters were compelled to form themselves into an obscene altar. - Shh! - And were worshipped.
Lo que he hecho, me obligaron a hacerlo.
What I have done, I was compelled to do.
Ellos me obligaron a bajar del estrado.
They compel me to step down from the bench.
—¿Cómo lo obligaron?
Compelled him how?”
Fueron las cartas de su hermana las que la obligaron a hacerlo.
It was her sister’s letters that had compelled her.
Sin embargo, los acontecimientos posteriores me obligaron a tomármelo en serio.
Subsequently, however, I was compelled to take it seriously.
Entre tanto, otros invitados que subían detrás de nosotros nos obligaron a seguir.
However, other guests coming up the stairs at our heels compelled a forward movement.
De nuevo los reflejos casi obligaron a Glass a darse la vuelta y correr.
Reflex again nearly compelled Glass to turn and run.
Tiro y Gaza confiaron en la resistencia de sus fortificaciones y me obligaron a asediarlas.
Tyre and Gaza trusted in the strength of their fortifications and compelled me to besiege them.
No obstante, la terquedad y la impertinencia de Irish le obligaron a demostrar que tenía razón.
Mulishly, however, Irish's flippancy compelled him to prove himself right.
Él mismo me recordó que las Tres Leyes lo obligaron a hacerlo, pero eso no importa.
He’d remind me himself that the Three Laws compelled him to do it, but that doesn’t matter.
Una vez ahí, sus reflejos de guardaespaldas lo obligaron a tratar de impedir que Miles saliera.
There, Pym's trained bodyguard's reflexes compelled him to try and thrust Miles back inside.
El Relator agradece al Gobierno de Maldivas su amable invitación así como su comprensión por las dificultades que lo obligaron a aplazar la visita.
The Rapporteur wishes to thank the Government of Maldives for its kind invitation and for its understanding of the difficulties that obliged him to defer his visit.
Entonces, los dos hombres obligaron a X a realizarles una felación.
Both men then obliged X to perform fellatio on them.
Todas estas circunstancias obligaron al Iraq una vez más a adoptar decisiones y medidas para hacer frente a esa situación de excepción.
Given the combination of all those circumstances, Iraq was once again obliged to adopt decrees and measures to counter the exceptional situation.
Según parece, la obligaron a presentarse todos los días en la comisaría de policía.
She was allegedly obliged to report daily to the police station.
Después, según la denuncia, lo obligaron a subir al vehículo de la policía y a echarse de espaldas con las manos atadas por detrás.
According to reports, he was then obliged to get into the police car, where he had to lie on his back with his hands tied behind him.
Las pérdidas humanas y económicas, así como las acuciantes necesidades de socorro y rehabilitación, nos obligaron a pedir asistencia internacional.
Human and economic losses, as well as the pressing requirements of relief and rehabilitation, obliged us to seek international assistance.
Esa tragedia del genocidio y sus muchas consecuencias nos obligaron a los rwandeses a efectuar, nacional y colectivamente, un examen de conciencia.
That tragedy of genocide and its many consequences obliged us in Rwanda to undertake the national and collective duty of examining our conscience.
¿Sabías que anoche en la cena, me obligaron a comerme las cinco comidas en el mismo plato?
Did you know that last night at dinner I was obliged to eat all five courses from the same plate?
Y me obligaron a soltar la muerte sobre él.
And I was obligated to unleash death upon it.
Al tal Sócrates lo obligaron a tomar cicuta.
This Socrates was obliged to take hemlock.
Has sabido que me obligaron a salir de Londres y me has seguido.
You found out that I was obliged to leave London.
Al presidente lo apresaron, lo obligaron a dimitir y después lo asesinaron.
The president fell prisoner, was obliged to resign, and was then assassinated.
Nubes de moscas agresivas los obligaron a taparse las bocas con las manos.
Swarms of aggressive flies obliged them to cover their mouths with their hands.
De aquí que los juramentos y golpes obligaron a Ayrton, más de una vez, a suspender su marcha.
Ayrton was, therefore, more than once obliged to halt.
Pero lo obligaron a permanecer arrodillado, la cara vuelta hacia el sol abrasador.
But he was obliged to remain kneeling, his face twisted to the scalding sun.
Hasta que los achaques de la vejez lo obligaron a contratar a un chico de veinte años para agilizar el negocio.
Until the ailments of age obliged him to hire a boy of twenty to facilitate matters.
12. Hacia el 1 de marzo de 2001, el subinspector Abdeen y otros funcionarios entregaron al parecer al Sr. Ganesharatnam varias hojas de papel en blanco y con amenazas le obligaron a firmarlas.
On or around 1 March 2011, Sub-Inspector Abdeen and other officers allegedly handed Mr. Ganesharatnam several blank sheets of paper and reportedly threatened and coerced him to sign these.
A este respecto, faciliten información sobre la respuesta del Estado Parte a la causa de interés público presentada ante el Tribunal Supremo en 2004, relativa a los abusos cometidos en varios Estados por funcionarios de la Sanidad Pública que obligaron a mujeres a someterse a procedimientos de esterilización peligrosos, con los consiguientes fracasos e incluso defunciones.
In this connection, please also provide information on the response of the State party to the decision of the Supreme Court in relation to the public interest case brought before it in 2004, regarding abuses in several states by public-health officials who coerced women to undergo unsafe sterilization procedures, which resulted in failure and even deaths.
Muchos de los refugiados también informan de que los obligaron a firmar los llamados formularios de emigración "voluntarios".
Many of the refugees also report having been coerced into signing so-called “voluntary” migration forms.
Según las familias, los militares los amenazaron y los obligaron a firmar un acuerdo de retirar el informe a cambio de 25.000 rupias nepalesas (340 dólares de los Estados Unidos).
According to the families, army personnel threatened them, and coerced them into signing an agreement to withdraw the FIR in exchange of 25,000 NRS (US$ 340).
MIE Consortium alega que las autoridades del Iraq detuvieron a sus empleados y los obligaron a seguir trabajando en el Proyecto 304X.
The MIE Consortium alleges that the Iraqi authorities detained its employees and coerced them to continue to work on Project 304X.
El 17 de febrero de 2011, se convocó a ese periodista a un interrogatorio a cargo de miembros del aparato de seguridad interna que le obligaron a firmar un documento en el que se comprometía a actuar de manera profesional y abstenerse de todo acto de incitación contra el Gobierno.
On 17 February 2011, the journalist was summoned for an interview with the internal security apparatus during which he was coerced to sign a document by which he made a commitment to act professionally and to refrain from acts of incitement against the government.
Obligaron a los testigos de la defensa a cambiar testimonios claves y después invitaron al asesino, Rusty Burkhardt, a tomar es estrado y decir que Lacey había confesado, a él.
They coerced the defense witness to change key testimony... And then they invited the real killer, Rusty Berkhart, to take the stand... And claimed that Lacey had confessed.
Me amenazaron y me obligaron.
I was threatened and coerced.
Pero si oigo que lo obligaron a confesar, entonces...
But if I hear the confession is coerced, then...
Lo obligaron a decirlo.
Um, he was coerced to say it.
Usted piensa que lo obligaron a decir esas cosas...
You said that you think that he was coerced to say those things...
No lo creemos... Al parecer, los padres de Sean lo obligaron a irse.
We don't think so, um... it seems Sean's parents coerced them into leaving.
Nos obligaron a Charlie y a mí.
We were coerced, Charlie and I.
Unos cuantos valientes corrieron al centro de la estancia y obligaron a sus genios presentes a que arrojaran detonaciones y magia a discreción en dirección a la grieta.
Several of the bravest ran into the center of the room and coerced their attendant djinn into sending Detonations and other magics galore in the direction of the rift.
Nunca presionaron a su hija para que estudiara más, nunca la obligaron a comportarse de ninguna manera más que como quería comportarse.
Never did they urge their daughter to study hard—never did they coerce her into behaving in any way other than the way she wished to behave.
i) En el plano internacional, las dificultades de movilización de recursos financieros obligaron al PNUD a reducir en un 30% todas las cifras indicativas de planificación (CIP) nacionales.
(i) On the international level, because of difficulties in mobilizing financial resources UNDP was constrained to reduce all national indicative planning figures (IPF) by 30 per cent.
El análisis minucioso del informe de los servicios de información de la Haganah del 30 de junio de 1948 demuestra que el 73% de las salidas fueron causadas por los israelíes, los cuales obligaron a 400.000 palestinos al exilio en una fase que precedió la llegada de los ejércitos árabes en junio de 1948 (B. Morris y T. Segev citados por Vidal, 2002: 126).
The meticulous analysis of the report by the intelligence services of the Haganah on 30 June 1948 shows that 73% of the departures, with 400 000 Palestinians constrained to exile before the arrival of the Arab armies in June 1948, were caused by the Israelis. (B. Morris and T. Segev quoted by Vidal, 2002: 126).
Otros factores aparecidos en esas regiones fueron la tendencia a transferir los negocios a otras zonas y los problemas sociales después de la reforma agraria que obligaron a muchas personas a inscribirse como personas en busca de empleo.
Other factors that took place in those regions were the tendencies to transfer businesses from that area and social problems after the agrarian reform, which constrained many individuals to be registered as job-seekers.
Los judíos, viendo que Jesús estaba cada vez más débil y que estaba a punto de morir, temieron que falleciese en el camino y no llegase a ser crucificado, tal y como ellos querían. Por eso obligaron a Simón el Cirineo a que cargase con la cruz del Señor.
Consider how the Jews seeing that at each step Jesus, from weakness, was on the point of expiring, and fearing that He would die on the way, when they wished Him to die the ignominious death of the cross, constrained Simon the Cyrenian
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