Перевод для "masticaban" на английский
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Masticaban sus propias patas para zafarse.
They'd chew their own paws off.
Er, ya sabes las mujeres medievales, er, masticaban ramas de sauce para el dolor.
Er, you know medieval women, er, used to chew willow twigs for the pain.
Sabes? En la antigua Roma... los chicos masticaban albahaca antes del baile de graduación para evitar el mal aliento
You know, in ancient Rome guys used to chew basil before the prom to get rid of bad breath.
Demonios, espectros y diablos se me acercaban, masticaban mi carne y me aplastaban los huesos.
Demons, and wraiths, and devils comin' at me, chewing up my flesh, and crunching my bones.
Antes de que empezaran a prepararlo, simplemente masticaban los granos.
Before you started brewing it, you'd just chew the berries.
¿Sabias que en la cena me sentaba y contaba cuántas veces masticaban?
Did you know at dinnertime I would sit and actually count how many times they chewed?
Masticaban, bebían, hablaron.
They chewed, drank, spoke.
Los insectos masticaban el silencio;
Insects chewed at the silence;
de sus fauces que masticaban ferozmente.
emerged from his ferocious.. chewing mouth.
Las fauces interiores masticaban con delicia.
Her inner jaw chewed with gusto.
Ahora se miraban los pies y masticaban sus desayunos.
Now they looked at their feet and chewed on their breakfasts.
Sus dientes masticaban la carne, y a mí me pareció creíble.
As His teeth chewed on the fearful meat, it was all believable to me.
Papá y Yael masticaban despacio la tarta, obedientes.
Dutifully, slowly, father and Ya’el chewed their cake.
Pronto, parecían decirse las unas a las otras mientras masticaban.
Soon, they seemed to be saying to one another as they chewed.
El sonido más fuerte era el de los elefantes que masticaban sus hojas.
The loudest sound was the elephants, masticating their leaves.
Masticaban a toda velocidad una comida de la que ni sentían el gusto.
Oh, how rapidly they masticated food whose taste they never perceived!
Luego la mordió ella, y se quedaron mirándose a los ojos mientras masticaban.
Then she took a bite, and they stood looking in each other’s eyes as they masticated.
Pero Tom permaneció sentado mirando por la ventana mientras sus fuertes mandíbulas masticaban a un ritmo monótono y constante.
But Tom sat and stared out of the window as his heavy jowls masticated away with a dull steady rhythm.
Miré a toda la gente que hablaba y que comía, y de repente me pareció que eran simios; simios que parloteaban, masticaban, se paseaban y gesticulaban.
I looked around at all the people talking and eating. And it suddenly seemed to me that all these people were apes: chattering, masticating, perambulating, gesticulating apes.
Tras los segundos de silencio que había provocado su entrada, la estancia volvió a llenarse de ruido, en realidad, de mil ruidos, de un guirigay formidable de bocas que parloteaban, mandíbulas que masticaban, gargantas que tragaban bollos y bebidas, de tazas, platillos y vasos que entrechocaban, sillas que chirriaban… Aún no se había repuesto de la sorpresa, cuando a su lado apareció un camarero con chaquetilla blanca y pantalón negro.
After the several seconds of total silence that accompanied his entrance, the noise returned and filled the room again, a thousand noises, in fact, a veritable din of words and masticating jaws and throats swallowing liquids and breakfast rolls, the clinking and clanking of cups and saucers and glasses and chairs. He had yet to get over his surprise when a Server wearing a white coat and black pants appeared beside him.
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