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Un miembro describió en detalle la cuestión del volumen de trabajo en lo que se refería a las condiciones de servicio de la Comisión y destacó la ardua labor y la gran carga horaria, que eran mayores de lo que imaginaban los Estados Partes, así como el estrés asociado con la importancia de las funciones que desempeñaban los miembros de la Comisión.
One member described in detail the issue of workload as it related to the conditions of service of the Commission and noted the hard work and long hours, which were greater than what was imagined by States parties, as well as the stress associated with the serious nature of the duties of members of the Commission.
Pocos imaginaban en 1999 que en tan sólo unos pocos años la cuarta nación más grande del mundo -- y el país musulmán más grande -- surgiría como una democracia vibrante.
Few imagined in 1999 that within only a few years the fourth largest nation in the world -- and the largest Muslim country -- would emerge as a vibrant democracy.
En realidad, casi todas las personas entrevistadas en el contexto del presente informe indicaron que sencillamente no esperaban, o siquiera imaginaban, que tal barbarie fuera posible.
In fact, almost all the individuals interviewed in the context of this report indicated that they simply did not expect, or even imagine, the possibility of such barbarity.
Muchos pasajeros dijeron que hasta entonces pensaban que los israelíes tratarían de impedir el paso de la flotilla y obligarla a desviarse, pero no imaginaban que pudieran intentar abordar los buques por la fuerza.
Many passengers said that, prior to this point, they believed that the Israelis would try to block the path of the flotilla and force it to divert, but they did not imagine that they would seek to board the vessels by force.
Está claro que, hace 20 años, cuando el espíritu de libertad acabó con el muro, pocos imaginaban que la represión y las amenazas que representaba resurgirían poco tiempo después y que las esperanzas suscitadas en 1989 se perderían pronto.
Indeed, 20 years ago, when freedom's spirit swept that wall away, few imagined the repression and threats it represented would so soon reappear and that the hopes unleashed in 1989 would so quickly founder.
Como sus padres imaginaban que era.
The way they imagined her to be.
Imaginaban dispositivos del tamaño de un jumbo.
Imagining devices the size of jumbo jets.
Imaginaban un monstruo con alas como esa.
They imagined a monster with wings like that.
Creo que es exactamente lo que se imaginaban.
I think that's exactly what they imagined.
Soy más aventurero de lo que imaginaban.
You see, I'm more adventurous than you imagined me.
¿Qué India imaginaban?
What India did they imagine?
¿Se imaginaban hijos?
Did they imagine children?
No se lo imaginaban, ¿verdad?
Never imagined, right?
Ellos solo... se imaginaban las condiciones.
They only... they were imagining the conditions.
Pero existe un peligro mayor que ni imaginaban.
But there are greater danger You've never imagined
No era en absoluto como imaginaban;
It wasn’t at all as they imagined it;
ellos se imaginaban que eran diferentes.
they imagined they were going to do everything differently.
no era el perro valiente que ellos imaginaban.
she wasn’t the brave dog they imagined.
Imaginaban que habían compartido un instante con ella.
They imagined they had shared a moment with her.
se imaginaban a sí mismas matando trollocs.
they imagined slaying Trollocs.
No se imaginaban que yo tenía ideas, ¿no?».
You didn't imagine I had any ideas, did you?
¿Imaginaban que vivían en un mundo cuerdo?
Do they imagine that they live in a sane world?
Imaginaban la melancólica sonrisa del Abogado.
They could imagine the lawyer's bleak smile.
Se bastaban, no imaginaban nada más allá de ellos mismos;
They imagined nothing beyond each other.
—¿Estás diciéndome que sólo se imaginaban que había muerto?
“Are you saying they only imagined she was dead?”
Colon pensaba que ellos estaban equivocados. Creia que el mundo era mas pequeño de lo que se imaginaban y que era muy facil navegar de Europa a China.
Columbus thinks they're wrong, that the world is smaller than they realize, and it's quite easy to sail from Europe to China.
No creo que sean los 3 finalistas que los demás se imaginaban, Jeff.
Not the final three I think anyone else envisioned, Jeff.
-Sus alumnos no se imaginaban...
- Little did his pupils think...
Éramos, bella reina, dos mozalbetes... que no se imaginaban que hubiera otra cosa... en el mundo sino un "mañana"...
We are, fair queen, but two lads that think not of the behind but of a day such as tomorrow...
Cuando se enteran de cómo me gano la vida, dicen que se lo imaginaban.
Back home, when I'd tell people what I do for a living, they'd think, "Well, that figures."
¿O acaso lo imaginaban?
Or did they only think it was louder?
¿Lo imaginaban ellos, mientras fornicaban?
Did they think of him as they fornicated?
Aunque creo que todos se lo imaginaban.
I think they all guessed.
—¿Acaso se imaginaban que yo no iría a buscarla?
"Did they think I wouldn't come get her?
¿Crees que se imaginaban que hay un hombre como yo en Trinidad?
You think they did ever guess that it had a man like me in Trinidad?
Ninguno sabía qué estaría pensando el otro, pero ambos lo imaginaban.
Neither knew what the other was thinking. But both could have guessed.
Echaban de menos a los otros, y creo que se imaginaban los tiempos duros que se avecinaban.
They missed the others, and I think they knew how dark and tough the time ahead would be.
Todos imaginaban que nos casaríamos.
Everybody figured we'd get hitched.
Aceptaron un porcentaje pero no se imaginaban que les daría esto.
You all signed on for a percentage. But you never figured I'd bring you this, did you?
Era uno de esos tipos que se imaginaban lo que eran,
He's one of those guys Who just figured out Who he really was,
—Es cuando se imaginaban que yo saldría, ¿no?
“Tbat’s when you figured I’d come out?”
Se imaginaban que yo era demasiado grande y fuerte como para herirme.
They figured I was too big and strong to hurt.
Se imaginaban que estábamos facilitando deliberadamente falsa información.
They figured we were deliberately leaking false information.
Imaginaban que, igual que había venido, volvería a marcharse.
They figured, I guess, that he had drifted in and would drift out again.
Imaginaban que ésa era la forma de proceder con alguien como yo.
That was the way they figured you were supposed to act around someone looked like I did.
Ni Halcón ni Lechuza sabían lo que le ocurría, pero imaginaban que era algo importante.
Neither Owl nor Hawk could figure out what was going on, but they knew it was something important.
Supongo que imaginaban que habíamos sido generados espontáneamente por el río al otro lado del meandro.
I guess they figured we spontaneously generated on the river up around the bend.
Probablemente se imaginaban que ella y Claire eran pacientes del hospital que habían salido a dar una vuelta.
They probably figured she and Claire were patients out for a stroll.
Era lo que todos imaginaban, ¿no?
That's what you've all been guessing anyway, right?
Hasta ahora ellos están todos de acuerdo con lo que esperaríamos por casualidad, en otras palabras, lo imaginaban.
So far, they're performing pretty much in line with mean chance expectation, in other words, guess work.
Mis amigos girarán la cara, y mis enemigos dirán que ya se lo imaginaban.
My friends are going to lower their eyes, and my enemies say they always guessed.
Apuesto a que no imaginaban que te reprobarían en la Escuela A.
Guess they didn't know you were gonna flunk out of "A" School.
Se imaginaban lo que había pasado, y por qué.
They could both guess what it was, and why.
Y ni siquiera se imaginaban lo que le estaba pasando.
And they didn’t even begin to guess what was happening.
los nobles seguramente imaginaban que los nacidos de la bruma habían causado el alboroto.
the nobility would have guessed that Mistborn had caused the disturbance.
Y ambos imaginaban que ella no sospechaba.
They thought she didn’t suspect.
Era tierno de corazón, más tierno de lo que se imaginaban muchos, más tierno de lo conveniente.
He had a sensitive heart, more sensitive than most people would have suspected. In fact, it was too sensitive.
Mientras tanto, habían identificado el estandarte de la terrorista: era la bandera de ISIS, cosa que ya imaginaban.
In the meantime, the banner the bomber carried had been identified as the flag of ISIS. They had all suspected as much.
El Servicio Secreto no era el todopoderoso cuerpo que muchos imaginaban. Era muy fuerte y eficaz cuando de investigar se trataba, eso desde luego;
The Service wasn't the all-powerful agency people thought it was. Oh, sure, it had a lot of muscle, and investigative clout which few suspected.
Imaginaban que todo el mundo quería lanzar bombas atómicas desde el aire, y casi tenías que dejar que te registraran las bragas antes de que te permitieran despegar en un helicóptero de alquiler, a menos que fueras el pez gordo de algún complejo.
they suspected everyone of wanting to nuke stuff from above, and you practically had to let them climb into your underpants before they’d let you fly anywhere in a hired copter, unless you were some graft-ridden prince from a Compound, that is.
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