Перевод для "divirtieron" на английский
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- Sus payasadas no me divirtieron. - Es culpable, Michael... de traición mediana a grave.
Well, Michael, I did not find their buffoonery amusing.
Anoche, se dio vuelta y le dio la mano al Amo Harold y a los muchachos y déjame decirte, no se divirtieron para nada.
Last night. she rolled over and shook hands with Master Harold and the Boys. And let me tell you. they were not amused.
Primero, los bolivianos se divirtieron cuando confundí... el nombre de su presidente por su palabra para "kayak".
First of all, the Bolivians were highly amused when I confused the name of their president with the word for kayak.
Me divirtieron inmensamente.
They amused me immensely.
Mis preguntas le divirtieron.
My questions amused him.
Miles de personas se divirtieron con él.
Thousands were amused by it.
Se divirtieron pisando las setas.
They amused themselves by kicking over mushrooms.
Naturalmente, los dueños se divirtieron mucho.
The patrons of course were highly amused.
Los hombres se divirtieron mucho con esa pregunta.
The men found her question vastly amusing.
Y luego, hasta los Neff y los Hallybread le divirtieron.
And then even the Neffs and the Hallybreads amused him.
Mis sospechas le divirtieron, pero no las descartó como improcedentes.
He was amused by my suspicion but not dismissive of it.
Cuando ya estuvieron todo lo preparados que podían estar, se relajaron y se divirtieron.
Once they were as ready as they could be, they relaxed and amused themselves.
Estaban tan arrobadas que divirtieron y conmovieron a Clint.
They were in a rapture that both amused and touched Clint.
Ya se divirtieron bastante por esta noche.
Ma'am, we believe you've had enough entertainment for the evening.
Tus amigos me divirtieron mucho.
Your friends were entertaining me.
Al principio Laurence y Riley se divirtieron comparando los estúpidos pretextos que les daban por la colección de ojos morados y labios sangrantes, pero aquellas riñas pueriles tomaron un cariz más ominoso cuando los más viejos empezaron a ofrecer excusas similares.
At first, Laurence and Riley entertained themselves by a comparison of the wooden excuses which were offered them for the collection of black eyes and bleeding lips.
Ocupaban la mesa contigua y se divirtieron mucho.
They sat at the next table and were much diverted.
Entonces Sebastian las vio bajo otra luz, y le conmovieron y divirtieron desde la misma benevolencia que en un principio sintiera hacia los esfuerzos angustiados de Teresa por controlar a la señora Tolputt.
He saw them in a new light now, and was as leniently touched and diverted by them as he had originally been by Teresa’s anguished efforts to control Mrs. Tolputt.
Me pareció que los portugueses de su bote (era un botecillo de tráfico portuario) se divirtieron mucho con la escena. Al parecer, los portugueses tienen una excelente naturaleza y un gran sentido del humor. —Así es, compañero —afirmó Ransome—. Y si quiere un consejo de amigo, sería preferible que pasara con ellos el resto de su vida, antes que poner un solo pie a bordo de la Tryall.
The Portuguese in his boat – it was a bum-boat – were infinitely diverted by his passion: the Portuguese are a good-natured, amicable nation, as far as I can see.’ ‘So they are, cully,’ said Ransome, ‘and I would advise you to spend the rest of your days among ‘em, rather nor set foot aboard the Tryall.
Durante la guerra civil, en el sur de Rusia, Irina, a la sazón una robusta chica de catorce años, tranquila y normal aunque un poco melancólica, viajaba en un tren con su madre: habían tenido que conformarse con un banco en un vagón de carga atestado de toda clase de gentuza, y durante el extenso viaje dos rufianes, ignorando las protestas de algunos de sus compadres, manosearon, pellizcaron y se divirtieron con la niña, diciéndole monstruosas obscenidades.
During the civil war, in Southern Russia, Irina, then a quiet, plump, normal though melancholy girl of fourteen, was on a train with her mother: they had had to be content with a bench in a freight car crammed with all sorts of riffraff, and during the long journey two rowdies, ignoring the protests of some of their pals, palpated, pinched, and tickled the child, saying monstrous obscenities to her. Mrs.
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