Перевод для "descuidaste" на английский
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Descuidaste su seguimiento.
You neglected his follow-up care.
En tu urgencia de liberar a Paracelsus descuidaste el factor de un elemento volátil.
In your urgency to free Paracelsus, you neglected to factor in one volatile element.
Pero descuidaste tu deber.
But you neglected your duty.
Te llevaste a mi hija y la descuidaste.
You took my daughter and you neglected her.
Déjame adivinar, estás casado con tu trabajo descuidaste a tu mujer e hijo...
Let me guess: your marriage, your job, you neglected your wife and kid, took them for granted.
Tú estabas aquí en la ventana, tan absorto en lo que hacías que descuidaste el no caer a través de ella.
Here you were at the window, so engrossed in what you were doing that you neglected not to fall out of it.
Paul, en dos semanas perdiste a tu padre estás deshecho con la culpa porque sientes que lo descuidaste y ahora esto.
Paul, in two weeks, you've lost your father... you're wracked with guilt because you feel you neglected him... and now this.
Creo que no has tomado nada para esa tos porque descuidaste cerrar el gabinete de medicamentos y los adictos al opio echaron mano del láudano.
I think that you haven't taken anything for that cough because you neglected to lock the medical cabinet and the opium addicts got into the laudanum.
Descuidaste tu deber como doctor.
You neglected your duty as a doctor.
¿Es que descuidaste pagarles?
Neglect to pay them off?
No sé si descuidaste mi educación o bien no te preocupaste de mí lo suficiente.
I don’t know whether you’ve brought me up poorly or I’ve neglected you.
Y podría agregar que Lucy siente que la descuidaste un poco. —¿Por mí? —pregunté, sorprendida—.
And she's feeling rather neglected by you, I might add." "By me?" I said, surprised.
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