Übersetzung für "terranova" auf englisch
  • n.f.
Terranova y Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nueva Escocia, Terranova.
Nova Scotia, Newfoundland.
Pasó por Terranova.
It went through Newfoundland.
Regresó a Terranova.
She moved back to Newfoundland.
- Terranova, querrás decir.
Newfoundland, you mean.
Filmamos en Terranova.
Shot it up in Newfoundland.
De Terranova, Bahía Baffin.
Newfoundland. Baffin Bay.
¡Dios bendiga Terranova!
God bless Newfoundland!
- Despegó de Terranova.
- Liftoff from Newfoundland.
Despejado hasta Terranova.
Open sky to Newfoundland.
—Lo trasladarán a Terranova.
I got him on a Newfoundland transfer.
Había algunos problemas en Armenia y una crisis en Terranova.
There was a situation in Armenia and a crisis in Newfoundland.
Era un terranova enorme, juguetón como un cachorro.
He was a huge Newfoundland, playful as a cub.
Y esa es Terranova, supongo. —No exactamente, señor.
And that, I suppose, is the Newfoundland itself?' 'Not exactly, sir.
—Conservo un apartado de correos en Terranova.
I keep a post office box in Newfoundland.
—Así pues, ¿se encuentra cerca de la costa de Terranova?
Then it wasn't near the coast of Newfoundland?
Nueva York, Terranova, Groenlandia, Portrane.
New York, Newfoundland, Greenland, Portrane.
¿Zavala y Austin no estaban en Terranova?
The last Trout was aware of, Austin and Zavala were off to Newfoundland.
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