Übersetzung für "disgusts" auf spanisch
But for years, it disgusted me.
Pero cuando pasaron los años, me empezó a disgustar.
Cos that's what it feels like, it feels like I disgust you.
Porque así se siente, como si te disgustara.
And seeing other people enjoy the festivities gets them even more disgusted.
Y ver a otras personas disfrutando las fiestas los hacen disgustar mas.
Shock and disgust?
¿Choquear y disgustar?
I mean, how far can you go... to amaze and disgust the insatiable Hard Harry, huh?
digo, que tan lejos puedes ir... para asombrar y disgustar al insaciable Harry, eh?
You wouldn't be disgusted?
¿No te disgustará?
It must disgust him to think you're doing the same thing.
Le debe disgustar pensar que tú estás haciendo lo mismo.
It'd disgust anybody... to look at such yellow faces.
Pueden disgustar a cualquiera... ver unas caras tan amarillentas.
That's why I tend to disgust people.
Por eso tiendo a disgustar a las personas.
I'm afraid if I dare do, Mrs Hughes, that... it will shock and disgust you.
Me temo que si me atrevo a eso, Sra. Hughes, eso... la va choquear y disgustar.
"Nor the power to disgust you," Quentin complained.
—Ni el poder de disgustaros tanto —se lamentó Quentin.
Rachelle looked disgusted. "I thought not.
—La sugerencia pareció disgustar Rachelle—. Me parece que no.
He shook his head as if the mere sight of her disgusted him.
-Sacudió la cabeza como si la sola visión de ella lo disgustara-.
Just how grimy can we make her without disgusting people?
¿Cuán mugrienta podemos hacerla sin disgustar a la gente?
So, just because something disgusted people once doesn’t mean it’s universally wrong.
Así pues, porque algo disgustara a la gente una vez no significa que sea malo universalmente.
if he went to a brothel, he had not the price of a whore who did not disgust him.
cuando asistía a algún burdel, nunca le alcanzaba el dinero para pagar una ramera que no le disgustara.
he growled, thrusting the datapad back at Ghent as if it were something unclean he was disgusted to even touch.
gruñó, devolviendo el datapad a Ghent como si fuera algo sucio que le disgustara incluso tocar.
“Let me taste you,” he said finally. She could consent or refuse. She would not be frightened or disgusted or dangerous.
¯Déjame probarte ¯dijo por fin. Podía consentir o negarse, pero no se iba a asustar, disgustar o volverse peligrosa.
He tugged on the chain and, reluctantly, the star began to get to her feet, leaning first against Tristran, and then, as if proximity to him disgusted her, on the crutch.
Estiró de la cadena y la estrella, de mala gana, empezó a levantarse; primero se apoyó sobre Tristran, y después, como si su proximidad le disgustara, sobre la muleta.
But we got to find a way to get back to before - you were disgusted by me.
Pero debemos hallar el modo de volver a antes de que te repugnara.
It is and always will be disgusting to me.
Siempre me ha repugnado y me repugnará.
Fifth: There was nothing about Stanley that annoyed her or disgusted her.
Quinto: no había nada en Stanley que le molestara o repugnara.
Other than their personalities, that is—something that would disgust a judge and jury.
Aparte de su personalidad, claro —algo que le repugnara a un juez y a un jurado.
It was a bright little piece of work, I have to admit, even if it disgusted me to look at it.
Debo admitir que era una obra maestra, a pesar de que me repugnara mirarla.
I didn't find the act itself disgusting, or anything like that, but the consequences were extremely messy;
No es que me repugnara el acto de dar de mamar en sí, ni nada parecido, pero las consecuencias eran extremadamente desagradables;
    “ Get up,” she said, letting me go like having to touch me disgusted her.
—Arriba —dijo la mujer, soltándome como si el hecho de tocarme la repugnara—.
His black eyes went to the scar through his brow and glanced off, the way August’s had around the blood, as if disgusted by the sight.
Sus ojos negros se centraron en la cicatriz que le atravesaba la ceja y enseguida se apartaron, tal como lo había hecho August al ver la sangre, como si le repugnara verla.
Punctilious himself in every expression of civility, Edward considered that Damerel’s easy carelessness was unbecoming in a man of rank; while his rather abrupt way of talking could only disgust.
Edward, que era sumamente meticuloso respecto a la urbanidad, consideraba que la despreocupación del barón era impropia de un hombre de su rango, así como su brusca forma de hablar sólo podía repugnar.
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