Übersetzung für "bombarde" auf spanisch
The rebel groups used rocket launchers to bombard the capital and its surroundings.
Los grupos rebeldes han utilizado lanzacohetes para bombardear la capital y sus alrededores.
Art. 25. The attack or bombardment of towns, villages, habitations or buildings which are not defended, is prohibited.
"Queda prohibido atacar o bombardear ciudades, pueblos, casas o edificios que no estén defendidos" (art. 25).
(v) Attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives;
v) Atacar o bombardear, por cualquier medio, ciudades, aldeas, pueblos o edificios que no estén defendidos y que no sean objetivos militares;
6. Throughout the day, the Tanzanian navy constantly bombarded the village of Mukerezi.
Durante todo el día, la marina tanzaniana no dejó de bombardear la localidad de Mukerezi.
(c) attack, or bombardment, by whatever means, of undefended towns, villages, dwellings or buildings;
c) Atacar o bombardear, por cualquier medio, pueblos, aldeas, viviendas o edificios indefensos;
(h) attacking or bombarding by whatever means towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended;
h) Atacar o bombardear por cualquier medio ciudades, pueblos, viviendas o edificios que no estén defendidos;
attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended;
Atacar o bombardear, por cualquier otro medio, ciudades, pueblos, viviendas o edificios que no estén defendidos;
14. It is prohibited to attack or bombard undefended localities.
14. Está prohibido atacar o bombardear localidades indefensas.
"The attack or bombardment, by whatever means, of towns, villages, dwellings, or buildings which are civilian [i.e. undefended] is prohibited."
"Queda prohibido atacar o bombardear ciudades, pueblos, casas o edificios que no estén defendidos."
Bombard the Pentagon.
Bombardear el Pentágono.
They can't bombard Marusia...
Ellos no pueden bombardear Marusia...
Then you'll get bombarded by the Colonel promoting another club.
El Coronel te bombardeará promocionando otro club.
"Bombard"... that's why it's called a shot?
Bombardear... ¿Por eso se le llama disparar?
And by bombarding these edges...
Y al bombardear estos bordes...
so we're not bombarding people...
No vamos a bombardear a la gente...
Once they stop the bombardment, we'll know.
Bueno, si dejan de bombardear, lo sabremos.
It's will bombard Porto Artur.
Va a bombardear Porto Artur.
I'm going to bombard Tokyo
Voy a bombardear Tokyo.
They're ready to bombard Beiping any time.
Están listos para bombardear Beiping en cualquier momento.
‘The bombardment’s over.
—Han dejado de bombardear.
And for a bombardment of Nervii boulders.
Y para bombardear con piedras nervias.
Their fleet would bombard Yedo and destroy it.
Serían capaces de bombardear Yedo y destruirla.
Doesn’t she know we’re bombarding the structure?
¿Es que no sabían que íbamos a bombardear la ciudadela?
Bombarding the atom, for heaven's sake!"
¡Por el amor de Dios! ¡Ahora pretende bombardear el átomo!
Of course we can't just bombard the base now!"
¡Por supuesto que no podemos bombardear la base sin más!
I watched your people bombard a tower with great boulders.
—Vi a los tuyos bombardear un torreón con pedruscos.
“Turn out the bloody army an’ navy and bombard Yedo …”
—El maldito ejército y la marina de guerra tienen que bombardear Yedo…
Questions began to bombard John from all sides.
Un sinfín de preguntas comenzó a bombardear a John desde todos lados.
Load the bombards!
Carguen las bombardas.
I call it the cluster bombard.
La llamo la bombarda de racimo.
The bombards came first... ..under the cover of a smokescreen.
Las bombardas llegaron primero... al amparo de una cortina de humo.
This device, it launches bombards without the use...
Este dispositivo, lanza bombardas sin el uso ...
A bombard's really only as good as one's ability to lob it."
Una bombarda es tan buena como la habilidad de uno para lanzarla".
The real, full-scale bombard doesn't carry fireworks, of course.
La bombarda a tamaño real no lleva fuegos de artificio, por supuesto.
First, we light the bombard.
Primero, encendemos la bombarda.
A bombard has no morality, no motive.
Una bombarda no tiene moralidad, sin motivo.
If they're my bombards, they must have cased them with wood.
Si son mis bombardas, deber haberlas hecho con madera.
Sh. Pass me another bag of bombards.
Pásame otro saco de bombardas.
“Is that a bombard?”
– ¿Eso es una bombarda?
“A bombard on a ship?”
– ¿Una bombarda en un barco?
He had bombards to fire both flame and shell.
Contaba con bombardas de fuego y obuses.
The king ordered his men to reload the bombard.
El rey ordenó que cargasen la bombarda de nuevo.
Outside that circle were the armored emplacements of the fire-bombards;
En el exterior de aquel círculo se encontraban –protegidas– las bombardas.
For the hidden bombard would have no further reason to spare the area of Ganturath.
Pues las bombardas ocultas destruirían Ganturath.
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