Translation for "zona inundada" to english
Zona inundada
Translation examples
Algunos de los distritos se encontraban en una zona inundada y se utilizaron con eficacia durante las inundaciones las reservas de alimentos y el trabajo de los supervisores de la ayuda alimentaria.
Some of the districts were in the flood area, and the food reserves, and the food aid monitors, were used effectively in the floods.
La tarea principal del destacamento era rescatar y evacuar a las personas de la zona inundada.
The main task of the detachment was to rescue and evacuate people from the flooded area.
Si nos quedamos cortos caeremos en la zona inundada.
Now if anything goes wrong and we undershoot we land in this flooded area and are bogged down.
Deben estar en la zona inundada.
Well, they may be in a flooded area.
Harán que la gente abandone la zona inundada.
They’ll get people out of the flood area.”
—¿Qué zona inundada? —preguntó Steve Cox—.
“What’s the flood area?” Steve Cox asked.
Pues bien, la zona inundada tiene una superficie equivalente a la de Colorado.
The flooded area is the size of Colorado.
Manténganse alejados de la zona inundada.
Now clear out and stay away from the flooded area.
Constituían un grupo reducido, pero vivían bastante bien en una zona inundada cerca de Grafton Lock.
Her group was a small one, but they lived fairly well on a supply of fish from a flooded area next to Grafton Lock.
La mayoría de los animales murieron, pero al cabo de veinticuatro horas alguien vio la trompa de la elefanta asomando en el agua en una zona inundada.
Most of the animals were lost, but after twenty-four hours someone saw her trunk sticking up in a flooded area.
Rommel había emplazado la mayor parte de su artillería en posiciones camufladas o casamatas y búnkers reforzados detrás de la zona inundada, desde donde podía bombardear las carreteras.
Rommel had most of his artillery in camouflaged positions or reinforced casements and bunkers back from the flooded area, where it could bombard the roads;
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