Translation for "yo era yo" to english
Yo era yo
  • i was me
Translation examples
i was me
Porque yo era yo, porque era diferente.
Because I was me, because I was different.
Cuando tenía cuatro o cinco años de edad, estaba parado en la cocina, y de repente fui golpeado por el misterio de la existencia... cómo y por qué yo era yo y por qué yo no era mi hermana o mi hermano.
When I was 4 or 5 years old, I was standing in our kitchen, and suddenly I was struck by the mystery of existence how and why I was me and why I was not my sister or my brother.
Cuando yo era tú... ¿o debería decir "cuando yo era yo"?
When I was you... or should I say, "when I was me"?
Pero eran ellos, y yo, era yo.
But that was them, and me, I was me.
- ¿Que yo era yo?
- I was me?
... no, no... tú eras él, y yo era... no, yo era yo y tú eras... da igual lo que sea, me trae recuerdos ¿Qué tal va?
No, no. You were him, and I was m- - No, I was me, and you were --
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