Translation for "yo era yo era" to english
Yo era yo era
Translation examples
Yo era... Yo era una especie de temprana curiosa, académicamente hablando
I was--i was sort of an early bloomer,academically speaking.
Yo era... yo era el forense principal en la escena del crimen.
I was... I was the lead M.E. at the crime scene there.
Parece que no le importaba a nadie que yo era... yo era el cerebro, pero sabes yo era el cerebro detrás de todo.
It just didn't seem to matter to anyone that I was... I was the brains, but you know I was the brains behind...
Por ejemplo: —I— —II— —II— —II— —II— —, etc.
For example: -I--I-I--I-I--I-I--I-I--, and so on.
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