Translation for "volver a colocarla" to english
Volver a colocarla
Translation examples
Joel se apresuró a volver a colocarlo y se pasó a otra silla.
He hurriedly replaced it and moved to another chair.
Al volver a colocarla tal como estaba entre las raquetas, oí cerca ruido de pasos.
As I replaced it between the bats I heard a step somewhere near at hand.
Gamache ya había mirado la mitad e iba sacando los libros de uno en uno para examinarlos y volver a colocarlos.
Gamache was halfway around the room, having taken down each book, examined and replaced it.
Estaba por volver a colocarlo en la librería cuando llegó la mujer que iba por las mañanas a acomodar lo poco que había que acomodar.
He was on the point of replacing it on his bookshelf when the woman who came every morning to tidy up what little that there was to tidy up arrived.
A veces, cuando le veo retorcérselo en torno al cogote, me pregunto cómo hará para volver a colocarlo en su lugar.
I wonder sometimes when I see him twisting it around the back of his neck how he will ever get it into place again.
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