Translation for "visitarla" to english
Translation examples
—¿Podemos visitarla?
Can we visit her?
—Me gustaría visitarla.
I'd like to visit her.
Yo solía visitarla.
I used to visit her.
¿Fuiste a visitarla ayer?
Did you visit her yesterday?
—Así que fuiste a visitarla.
‘So you went to visit her.’
Pero ya no se atrevía a visitarla.
But he no longer dared visit her.
El viernes fuimos a visitarlo a esa comisaría.
We went to the Al-Tuffah police station on the Friday to visit him.
Al parecer, sus familias han podido visitarles.
Their families are said to have been allowed to visit them.
No le permitieron visitarlo.
She was not permitted to visit him.
Tuvo que insistir mucho para que se le concediera autorización para visitarlo.
They had to insist to obtain visiting rights.
Se habría negado a su familia el derecho a visitarle.
His family was allegedly not allowed to visit him.
Su familia puede visitarlo sin restricciones.
His family is free to visit him without limitation.
No se dio autorización a sus familiares para visitarlo.
The members of his family were not allowed to visit him.
A sus familiares se les negó el derecho a visitarlos.
Their relatives were denied the right to visit them.
- Vine a visitarlo.
- I'm visiting.
¿Planeas visitarla? No.
Planning a visit?
Vendré a visitarlos.
I'll visit.
- Ni para visitarla.
- Or even visit.
¿Te interesa visitarlo?
Care to visit?
¿De hecho visitarlos?
Actually visit them?
Visitarlo yo también.
Visit him too.
Todos fueron a visitarla.
Everyone came by to visit.
Tenía que visitarla.
She should visit that.
¿Los visitaban ellos o ibais a visitarlos?
That you visited or visited you?
Es una visita y nos limitamos a visitarlo.
It is a visit and we stand visiting.
—Pero vendrán a visitarlo.
“But they’ll be visiting.”
—¿Y por qué no visitarlas?
So why not go visit and see?
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