Translation for "vestido con" to english
Vestido con
Translation examples
dress with
Todos iban vestidos de mujer.
They were all dressed as women.
:: Iremos vestidos correctamente y cuidaremos nuestra apariencia personal;
:: Maintain proper dress and personal deportment at all times;
Iban vestidos a la usanza iraní y hablaban farsi.
They were wearing Iranian dress and spoke Persian.
Confección de vestidos, costura
Dress making, tailoring
Todos estaban vestidos de civil.
They were all dressed in civilian clothes.
De esta forma, optan por vestidos que las cubran y protejan con decencia.
Thus they opt for a dress that covers them and protects them.
Comprando vestidos...con amigas
Shopping for dresses... with friends.
¿Y ese vestido con flores?
And that dress with flowers?
- ¡Llevo un vestido con escote!
I wore a dress with cleavage!
Necesito un vestido con lazo.
I need a dress with lace.
Quiero un vestido con encaje.
I want a dress with lace.
Podría hacer vestidos con esto.
I could make dresses with it.
- ¿Este vestido con botas negras?
- This dress with black boots?
Quiero el vestido con plumas.
I want the dress with the feathers.
– Un vestido -susurré-. Era un vestido.
‘A dress,’ I whispered. ‘It was a dress.’
Un vestido de niña, un vestido de princesa.
A little child's dress, a princess' dress.
—Era el vestido de tenis de Tuppy. —¿El vestido de tenis?
“But that was Tuppy’s tennis dress.” “Tennis dress?”
gente vestida de gala y gente vestida de diario;
people dressed and people not dressed;
Pero no el vestido.
But not the dress.
No me moví. – Un vestido -susurré-. Era un vestido.
I lay still.‘A dress,’ I whispered. ‘It was a dress.’
Supongo que sería un vestido. —¿Qué vestido?
Somebody's dress, I suppose." "Whose dress, do you think?"
Vestida con un vestido blanco de mangas verdes.
She was dressed in a white dress with green sleeves.
Iba vestida, sí «vestida» es la palabra adecuada. ¡Huauuuuu!
She was dressed, if "dressed" is the word. "Wheeeewhoo!"
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