Translation for "varios marineros" to english
Varios marineros
Translation examples
Se contrataron varios marineros en los barcos del puerto de Copenhague anoche.
Several sailors signed on to ships in Copenhagen harbor during the night.
Crucé el virus de la sangre de Takehaya con una muestra de mi sangre y con varios marineros que no tuvieron contacto con Takehaya, Kyoko o con ninguno de los que fuimos prisioneros.
I crossed the virus in Takehaya's blood with a sample of my own and from several sailors who had no contact with Takehaya, Kyoko, or any of us who were prisoners.
—El capitán tiene razón —opinaron varios marineros.
“The Captain’s right,” said several sailors.
Varios marineros vieron por lo menos a un muerto-vivo.
Several sailors swore they saw at least one of the living dead.
Xander se colocó en una fila donde varios marineros esperaban para desembarcar.
    Xander stood in line behind several sailors waiting to disembark.
Varios marineros lo vieron y esperaron a la distan-cia, con las gorras en la mano.
Several sailors saw him and waited at a distance, caps in hand.
Varios marineros aparecieron, procedentes de los camarotes inferiores, bloqueándoles el camino hacia el costado del barco.
From below decks several sailors appeared, blocking their way to the side.
El agua y la luxina amarilla cayeron sobre el barco de a cubetas, barriendo a varios marineros y la mitad de los Poderosos.
Water and yellow luxin dropped on the ship in bucketsful, sweeping several sailors and half the Mighty off their feet.
Varios marineros iban siempre encaramados al techo del tanque, anhelando ver el mar cada vez que llegaban a una cumbre.
and several sailors could now always be found on the tank’s roof hoping for the first glimpse of the sea as they reached each hilltop.
Varios marineros treparon por las jarcias, se descolgaron hasta el penol y avanzaron poco a poco, apretando los dedos de sus pies descalzos al arrastrarlos por la verga.
Several sailors clambered up the rigging and swung out along the yardarm, bare feet pressing down on the toe-line as they shuffled along.
Varios marineros, que estaban en el barco durante el primer viaje de Diego, no lo reconocieron hasta que él les ganó puñados de garbanzos jugando a las cartas.
Several sailors who had been on the ship during Diego’s first voyage did not recognize him until he won their handfuls of garbanzo beans playing cards.
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