Translation for "total o parcialmente" to english
Translation examples
a) La existencia de zonas carentes total o parcialmente de litoral;
(a) The existence of totally or partially landlocked areas;
Los gastos financieros de esas iniciativas se imputarán total o parcialmente a esas autoridades.
The financial charges of these initiatives will be totally or partially apportioned to these authorities.
Esos ingresos pueden estar total o parcialmente exentos de impuestos o ser imponibles.
Income is classed as totally exempt, partially exempt, or not exempt.
Pero las sombras están presentes, y tienen su origen en fenómenos que están total o parcialmente fuera de nuestro control.
But the shadow is still present. Its origin lies in phenomena that are totally or partially out of our control.
No obstante, el puesto estuvo total o parcialmente cerrado durante 222 días durante este período.
However, the checkpoint was totally or partially closed for 222 days during this period.
Si ello no ocurre, sus actividades pueden quedar total o parcialmente debilitadas.
If it did not succeed, its activities could be totally or partially undermined.
Una vez que hayan sido validadas, se podrá intentar sintetizar la molécula total o parcialmente.
Once validated, there may be an attempt to synthesize the molecule, totally or partially.
No hay, pues, necesidad alguna de cambiarla, ni total ni parcialmente.
There was no need to change it, either totally or partially.
En el caso de una reserva inválida, el Estado que la formula debe retirarla total o parcialmente.
In the case of an invalid reservation, the reserving State should withdraw it, totally or partially.
a) estar total o parcialmente desempleado;
(a) Be totally or partially unemployed;
La ciudad de Rombaden ha sido destruida total o parcialmente una docena de veces, al menos.
Rombaden City has been totally or partially destroyed at least a dozen times.
—La aparente pérdida de peso de un cuerpo total o parcialmente sumergido en un líquido es igual al peso del líquido que desplaza —dijo Ponder.
'The apparent loss of weight of a body totally or partially immersed in a liquid is equal to the weight of the liquid it displaces,' said Ponder.
Algunas empresas privadas cubren total o parcialmente el costo de la terapia antirretroviral.
Some private companies fully or partially cover the cost of antiretroviral therapy.
Para 2002, sólo 24 Estados habrían cumplido total o parcialmente esas obligaciones.
By 2002, only 24 States had fully or partially complied with their obligations.
Se logró total o parcialmente el 92% de los objetivos de producción.
Ninety-two per cent of output targets were either fully or partially achieved.
De las 56 recomendaciones formuladas, solo 20 han sido aplicadas total o parcialmente.
Of the 56 recommendations made only 20 have been fully or partially implemented.
El 96% del total de objetivos de productos se cumplieron total o parcialmente.
A total of 96 per cent of 2001 output targets were fully or partially met.
El 89% de los objetivos de producción para 2001 se lograron total o parcialmente.
Eighty-nine per cent of output targets for 2001 were either fully or partially achieved.
- a declararse total o parcialmente culpable de los cargos formulados en su contra;
To plead fully or partially guilty of imputed action
Falló a favor de los demandantes total o parcialmente en 17 de ellos.
It ruled in favour of applicants fully or partially in 17 cases.
En los nueve casos restantes, las recomendaciones se aplicaron total o parcialmente.
In the 10 other cases, recommendations had been fully or partially implemented.
La denuncia podrá admitirse o no, total o parcialmente (art. 242).
The complaint may be accepted or fully or partially rejected. (art. 242).
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