Translation for "tomando leche" to english
Tomando leche
Translation examples
Deberías estar tomando leche.
You should be drinking milk.
¿Debería seguir tomando leche?
Should I continue to drink milk?
Si no lo eres, eres mutante. Somos la única especie que luego del destete continúa tomando leche, en muchos casos por el resto de nuestras vidas.
We're the onlyspecies afterweaning we tend towant to keep on drinking milk, forthe rest ofour lives in many cases.
¿Y el del polaco que murió tomando leche?
Did you hear about the Polack who died drinking milk?
No, no lo has dicho, pero si pudieses te gustaría tenerme con mis muñecas o sentada en mi sillita tomando leche en biberón.
No, but if you had your way, I'd be cooped up in a play-pen with dolls or in a high chair eating mush and drinking milk out of the bottle.
lncluso quieren que la gente que se queja de indigestión... u otros dolores o problemas estomacales continúe tomando leche.
So, so even for individuals who complain ofindigestion or other stomach cramps, other stomach problems, the Daiy Council wants them to keep tying to drink milk.
El arpista se ponía de pie, muchacho, le agradecía la intención, pero era tarde y el taxi estaba esperando. Josefino hacía muecas, eufórico, todos se iban a enronchar, chillón, tomando leche, alimento de churres, y la Chunga sí, bueno, hasta luego, que se lo llevaran.
The harp player stood up, boy, he thanked him for the kindness, but it was late and the taxi was waiting, Josefino was making faces, euphoric, everybody was going to get tight, shouting, drinking milk, kids’ food, and Chunga yes, all right, so long, they should take him away.
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