Translation for "tener una cita" to english
Tener una cita
Translation examples
Un sitio raro para tener una cita.
Odd part of town for you to have an appointment.
Hace falta tener una cita o algo así.
You have to have an appointment or something.
Parece que voy a tener una cita mañana.
It seems I'm to have an appointment tomorrow.
Usted debe tener una cita.
You need to have an appointment.
Bueno, debes de tener una cita.
Well, you must have an appointment.
¿Cómo podría tener una cita?
How could I have an appointment?
Hola, necesitas tener una cita.
Hey, you need to have an appointment.
No, él, específicamente, quería tener una cita con Emil, hoy.
No, he specifically wanted have an appointment with Emil today.
¿No pensará tener una cita con esta gitana?
El tráfico estaba asesino puedes tener una cita conmigo, querida.
Traffic was murderous. You can have an appointment with me, darling.
Busca a Demetrio y dile que aquí hay dos oficiales que afirman tener una cita para ver al procurador.
Find Demetrius and tell him these officers here say they have an appointment to see the procurator.
—Gracias. —La nota decía: «Querido señor Graham, hay tres hombres aquí abajo que afirman tener una cita con usted.
'Thank you.' The note read: 'Dear Mr Graham: There are three men down here in the square who claim to have an appointment with you.
Acababa de enviar el mensaje a Stern a su casa de Podgórze, cuando entró la secretaria y anunció que Herr Oskar Schindler, quien decía tener una cita, aguardaba afuera.
He had just sent the message off to Stern’s house in Podgórze when his secretary came into the office and announced that a Herr Oskar Schindler was waiting outside, claiming to have an appointment.
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