Translation for "teme que" to english
Translation examples
Cuba ni teme ni acepta amenazas.
Cuba does not fear or accept threats.
Se teme que hayan sido ejecutados.
It is feared that they have been executed.
Se teme que los detenidos no reconocidos estén entre los muertos.
It is feared that the unacknowledged prisoners may be among the dead.
Su familia teme por su vida.
His family fears for his life.
Se teme que estas cifras no sean definitivas.
It is feared that these figures are not final.
Se teme que pueda sufrir torturas.
It is feared that he is at risk of torture.
Se teme que esas personas hayan sido asesinadas.
It is feared that these persons may have been killed.
Se teme por su seguridad.
Fears were expressed for their safety.
Tu tía solo teme que no vengas.
Aunty only fears that you won't come
Teme que hayas venido tras su hermano.
Fear that you came after his brother.
"Mi cabeza teme que tú me traiciones."
My head fears that you will betray me
Constantin teme que su ejército esta rodeado.
Constantine fears that his army may be surrounded.
Se teme que ellos también hayan perecido.
It is feared that they also perished.
Teme que ella quede cautivada por mí.
Fears that she left captivated by me.
Palpatine teme que la Federación quiera destruirme.
Senator Palpatine fears that the Federation means to destroy me.
Mi padre teme que nos maten, también.
My father fears that we will be killed, too.
El concejal teme que ya no sea fiable.
The selectmen fear that she's no longer reliable.
La corte teme que está enfermo, mentalmente.
This court fears that you're seriously mentally ill.
Quien teme todo no teme nada.
He who fears everything fears nothing.
Teme la vejez, teme la muerte.
He fears old age, he fears death.
Quien teme a la corrupción teme a la vida. Saul Alinsky
He who fears corruption fears life. SAUL ALINSKY
Eso es lo que él teme.
That's what he fears."
El Consejo teme que...
The Council fears …
Pero Odium la teme.
But Odium fears it.
–Sí -dijo uno-, nosotros los moradores de las colinas somos luchadores formidables. Tantor nos teme. Numa nos teme. Sheeta nos teme.
said one, "we of the hill country are mighty fighters. Tantor fears us. Numa fears us. Sheeta fears us.
—¿Y por qué no nos teme?
“Why does he not fear us?”
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