Translation for "tantos milagros" to english
Translation examples
Había tantas historias sobre Alice, tantos milagros y fenómenos, paradojas y enigmas, que me podía haber pasado el resto de la semana simplemente contándole a Bella la versión esquemática.
There were so many stories about Alice, so many miracles and phenomena, paradoxes and enigmas, I could have spent the rest of the week just telling Bella the bullet-point version.
Le pregunté si no me la podía meter en la cabeza de otra manera, ella que hace tantos milagros por todos lados, pero no, dice que hay que trabajar para que Dios vea nuestro esfuerzo y nos recompense.
I asked if she could get the information into my head some other way since she works so many miracles all over the place. But no, apparently she can’t. She says we have to work so that God sees our effort and rewards us for it.
Cada mañana me arrodillaba en la catedral ante aquella virgen ornada de joyas que obraba tantos milagros.
Every morning I'd kneel in the cathedral before that jewel-studded virgin who's worked many miracles.
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