Translation for "tan virulento" to english
Tan virulento
Translation examples
La epidemia del cólera es tan virulenta que se extiende por Irán e Irak.
The cholera epidemic is so virulent, it's spread to Iran and Iraq.
Henry Burns mutó con éxito un virus tan virulento que cuando Noah Hobbs fue expuesto,
Henry Burns successfully mutated a virus so virulent that when Noah Hobbs was exposed to it,
El hongo es tan virulento que puede aniquilar a una colonia entera. Y no sólo las hormigas son víctimas de este asesino.
The fungus is so virulent, it can wipe out whole colonies of ants and it's not just ants that fall victim to this killer.
El portador es tan virulento que debió estar sintomático.
The shedder, whoever he is, he's so virulent, he must have been symptomatic.
Lo que intento explicarte es que esta cepa de Audrey es tan virulenta... que podría invadir toda su sangre de SIDA antes de que el feto llegase a término. ¿Me explico?
What I was trying to explain to you is that this strain is so virulent Audrey could progress to full blown AIDS before the fetus is full term, okay?
Algo tan virulento que destruyó la mente de Jubal junto con su cuerpo.
Something so virulent that it destroyed Jubal's mind along with his body.
Me odia en forma tan virulenta que le resulta imposible ocultarlo.
He hates me so virulently that he can no longer hide it.
Estas armas eran tan virulentas y poco discriminadoras, que incluso mataban a los propios antihombres.
These weapons were so virulent and undiscriminating that they also killed the unmen themselves.
Los debates llegaron a ser tan virulentos que uno de ellos gritó espantado: – ¡Ustedes atea!
The debates became so virulent that one of them shouted in horror: “You’re an atheist!”
Su odio hacia mí era tan virulento que lo sentí como una jarra de agua hirviendo en mi rostro.
His hatred for me was so virulent that I could feel it like a jug of boiling water thrown in my face.
Pero su familia funcionaba con una insipidez tan virulenta que la opacidad de su mujer e hijos eclipsaban incluso su predisposición a la enfermedad, que era notable.
But his family labored under a plainness so virulent that the dullness of his wife and children outshone even their proneness to illness, which was remarkable.
Él y su tripulación eran armas en sí mismos; portadores de la plaga ptertha en una forma tan virulenta, que una persona desprotegida no tenía más que acercarse a ellos para ser infectada.
He and his crew were weapons in themselves —carriers of the ptertha plague in a form so virulent that an unprotected person had only to go near them to be smitten!
Pocos artistas han sido condenados de forma tan virulenta por el establishment crítico como Lena Sorenson. Y, no obstante, muy pocos han gozado de tanto éxito comercial.
FEW ARTISTS HAVE been denounced so virulently by the critical art establishment as Lena Sorenson, yet very few have enjoyed such commercial success.
Hay un mundo llamado Scarne donde la forma de vida que las produce es tan virulenta que incluso los océanos están teñidos por ella y todas las demás formas de vida deben adaptarse o morir.
There is a world called Scarne where the corresponding lifeform is so virulent that even the oceans themselves are perpetually stained, and all other creatures must adapt or die.
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