Translation for "sumamente improbable" to english
Translation examples
No obstante, llegó a la conclusión de que aunque era "sumamente improbable", no podía descartarse la posibilidad de tumores en los cornetes nasales en seres humanos.
However, it concluded that although "extremely unlikely", it cannot be discarded that nasal tumours are relevant to humans.
Hay mucho en juego, ya que "el abandono de la Ronda y el intento de relanzar el programa de la OMC en torno a objetivos de renegociación sería sumamente improbable".
The stakes are high, as "abandoning the Round and attempting to relaunch a WTO agenda around renegotiating objectives would be extremely unlikely".
En cuanto a las observaciones atribuidas al diplomático, es sumamente improbable que un diplomático utilice esos términos, y las observaciones se han negado.
As to the remarks attributed to the diplomat, it was extremely unlikely that any diplomat would use such language, and the remarks had been denied.
Es concebible que el traspaso pueda efectuarse en una etapa ulterior después de la cual fuese sumamente improbable que se produjeran costos nuevos y suplementarios.
It is conceivable that the transfer could occur at a later stage after which any new and additional costs are extremely unlikely to occur.
En efecto, muchos expertos consideran que esa clase de atentados son sumamente improbables, a causa de su dificultad y de su ineficacia potencial.
In fact, many experts deem such an attack as extremely unlikely, because of its difficulty and potential inefficacy.
Aunque se consideraba sumamente improbable, no podía descartarse que los seres humanos también pudieran verse afectados por estos tumores.
Even though it was considered extremely unlikely, it could not be discarded that such nasal tumours are relevant to humans.
Es sumamente improbable que la industria petrolera del Iraq alcance alguna vez las metas de producción previstas en relación con el programa de alimentos por petróleo, dadas las limitaciones existentes.
It is extremely unlikely that the Iraqi oil industry will ever meet the planned production targets associated with the oil-for-food programme, within the current constraints.
La experiencia reciente sugiere que es sumamente improbable que se disponga de tropas y personal policial suficientes para permitir el despliegue de la fuerza sobre esta base con la urgencia requerida.
Recent experience suggests that it is extremely unlikely that sufficient troops and police personnel would be available to permit deployment of the force on this basis in the urgent time scale required.
- Ambas alternativas son sumamente improbables.
Both alternatives are extremely unlikely.
Es sumamente improbable, pero si yo no lo hice, es lo único que puede haber ocurrido.
It is extremely unlikely—but if I did not do it, then that is the only thing that can have happened.
A menos, desde luego, que el capitán Blaine dominase a Simes y le obligase a redactar un informe favorable, lo cual era sumamente improbable.
Unless, of course, Captain Blaine overrode Simes and forced a favorable report, which was extremely unlikely.
—Es sumamente improbable. —Cato juntó las manos y se apoyó en la mesa del legado para centrar toda su atención en su amigo—.
'Extremely unlikely.' Cato folded his hands together and leaned over the legate's table to concentrate his full attention on Macro.
En el caso sumamente improbable de que un intruso lograra escapar de los perros y entrar en la casa, no podría pedir ayuda por teléfono.
In the extremely unlikely event that an intruder should manage to sprint through the attacking dogs and get into the house alive, he will not be able to call for help.
Lo que sucedió fue que, en la tercera semana de estancia en la UB, Orin intentó una deserción sumamente improbable del tenis universitario en aras del fútbol universitario.
What happened was that by the third week of his freshman year Orin was attempting an extremely unlikely defection from college tennis to college football.
A menos que las bolsas de gas del interior del dirigible hubiesen sido repostadas desde un barco, cosa sumamente improbable, la única respuesta a las andanzas de Raymond LeBaron estaba en Cuba.
Unless the gas bags inside the blimp were reinflated from a ship, an extremely unlikely event, the only answer to Raymond LeBaron's whereabouts lay in Cuba.
Es sumamente improbable encontrar berilio metálico, salvo por parte de especialistas que manejen ese metal.
It is highly unlikely that beryllium metal will be encountered, except by specialists dealing with this metal.
Es sumamente improbable que la reclusión tenga una duración equivalente a la de cadena perpetua.
This time period, however, is highly unlikely to amount to life imprisonment.
Es sumamente improbable que lleguen a encontrarse desechos de arsénico como tal.
It is highly unlikely that waste arsenic will ever be encountered by itself.
Es sumamente improbable que llegue a encontrarse antimonio aislado en forma de desechos.
It is highly unlikely that waste antimony will ever be encountered by itself.
Es sumamente improbable que estas personas participen en operaciones efectivas.
It is highly unlikely that such persons would be involved in operational situations.
Es sumamente improbable que las muestras de sedimento recogidas con esas pinzas proporcionen análisis útiles.
It is highly unlikely that samples of sediment using TV grabs will provide useful analyses.
Esto es sumamente improbable por cuanto los pueblos indígenas representan regiones y posiciones muy diversas.
Such a situation is highly unlikely, considering the fact that indigenous peoples represent a diversity of regions and positions.
En esta fase del proceso aún no hemos descartado nada, pero parece sumamente improbable. ¿Sí?
Uh, we haven't ruled out anything as yet at this stage, but that's an area seems highly unlikely. Yes?
Dr. Nikolais, es sumamente improbable que tengamos otro hijo.
Oh, Dr Nikolais, it's highly unlikely that we will have another child.
Nadie lo sabe y es sumamente improbable... que alguien lo pueda resolver.
Nobody knows and it's highly unlikely that anyone will ever work it out.
Creemos que es sumamente improbable que que estas circunstancias se repitan.
We believe it's highly unlikely that this set of circumstances will repeat itself.
Pero hallar a un donante compatible es sumamente improbable.
But to find a compatible donor, it's highly unlikely.
Y dado esta educación es sumamente improbable que alguna vez haya tenido alguna relación y mucho menos, que se haya casado.
And given this upbringing, it's highly unlikely he'd ever been in a relationship, let alone been married.
Era sumamente improbable que celebrasen los doce.
It was highly unlikely they’d be celebrating their twelfth.
—¿Pueden encontrarlos? —Es sumamente improbable.
“Can the FBI find them?” “Highly unlikely.”
el primero de mis dos acontecimientos sumamente improbables.
the first of my two highly unlikely events.
El hecho de que yo estuviese allí podía ser sumamente improbable;
The fact that I was where I was might be highly unlikely;
Es sumamente improbable que ningún pájaro llegue a anidar en la pajarera;
It's highly unlikely that any birds ever set up house;
—Sin duda —se apresuró a decir Frensic, atajando la discusión sobre una eventualidad tan sumamente improbable—.
'Doubtless,' said Frensic, forestalling a discussion of this highly unlikely eventuality.
Así que Muldoon pensó que era sumamente improbable que encontraran alguna vez restos de los niños.
So Muldoon thought it highly unlikely that they would ever find any remains of the children.
Lo que significa que es sumamente improbable que se tratara de un intento frustrado de asesinar a Adolf Hitler.
Which means it’s highly unlikely that this could have been a botched attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler.
—Es sumamente improbable —predijo Mattie—. Esos abogados son conocidos por ocultar pruebas que no favorecen a la compañía minera.
Highly unlikely,” was Mattie’s prediction. “These lawyers are known for concealing evidence that’s not helpful to the coal company.
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