Translation for "suelo pedregoso" to english
Suelo pedregoso
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Translation examples
El viento gélido ululaba por el suelo pedregoso.
A cold wind howled across stony ground.
Logen salivó un poco y lanzó un escupitajo al suelo pedregoso.
Logen worked his mouth and spat onto the stony ground.
Sus manos se liberaron y cayó hacia delante en el suelo pedregoso.
His hands came free and he fell backward onto the stony ground.
Aturdido, cayó al suelo pedregoso con los gritos de Jago en el oído, y los de otro atevi.
He came to bruised and on the stony ground with Jago’s voice in his ear, arguing with someone.
rodillas y espaldas se arañaban en el suelo pedregoso, pero aquello integraba y completaba el placer.
knees and back were pressed into the stony ground, but that became part of their pleasure, completing it.
Por fin la perra se calmó y se dejó caer en el suelo pedregoso, junto al lecho.
The dog finally cooled off and lowered herself onto the stony ground next to the bed.
Ya oía los pasos de aquel hombre: un suave arrastrar de pies sobre el suelo pedregoso.
He could hear the man's footsteps now: a soft scraping shuffle over the stony ground.
A veces escarbaba en busca de ratones, pero en el suelo pedregoso raramente conseguía cazar uno.
He would sometimes dig for a mouse; but in the stony ground he rarely managed to catch one.
Luego le arrojaron al suelo pedregoso, y los que llevaban botas empezaron a patearle el pecho.
Then they threw him to the stony ground, and those who had boots began to apply them to his ribs.
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