Translation for "soldarse" to english
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Los ligamentos necesitan tiempo para soldarse a la clavícula.
The ligaments need time to knit with the clavicular joint.
Las cejas de Joe dan la impresión de que van a soldarse.
Joe’s brows give the appearance of knitting together.
Notó un hormigueo en la espalda, los músculos retorciéndose para volver a soldarse.
He could feel the skin on his back crawling, muscles writhing as they knit back together.
El canciller de Cazaril lo tomó como escribano mientras sus huesos terminaban de soldarse.
Chancellor dy Cazaril took him up as a clerk while his bones finished knitting.
Si contiene la respiración, puede oír el susurro fantasmal de su carne maltrecha al soldarse de nuevo.
If he holds his breath he can hear the ghostly creeping of his assaulted flesh as it tries to knit itself together again.
la parte lastimada de la muñeca empezaba a volver a soldarse—. El hermano Jeremiah... —Está muerto —informó Clary. —Lo sé.
The injured part of his wrist was already beginning to knit back together. "Brother Jeremiah—" "Is dead," said Clary. "I know."
Aunque sí sostuvo que probablemente la clavícula tardaría en soldarse, y que no era recomendable que llevara a cabo actividades físicas como trepar por los palos, al menos de momento.
yet he did maintain that the collar-bone was likely to prove long in knitting - that active exercise such as swarming up the masts was not to be countenanced for a moment.
Llegaron al campamento, y se hizo por ella todo cuanto se pudo, pero, para cuando consiguieron que viniera un cirujano de San Francisco, las fracturas habían empezado a soldarse y hubo que abrirlas otra vez.
They got back to camp, and everything possible was done for her, but by the time a surgeon could be got up from San Francisco, her fractures had begun to knit and had to be broken over again.
Bastaba con llevarse bien después de la luna de miel, soldarse uno con otro lentamente como un hueso roto, y sobrevivir a las tareas cotidianas y a los hijos, o quitar juntos las malas hierbas del huerto.
It was enough to rub along after the honeymoon period, to knit together slowly like a broken bone, and to do it over the chores and children or in the allotment pulling weeds.
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