Translation for "situado cerca de" to english
Situado cerca de
Translation examples
Las tierras designadas estaban situadas cerca de la aldea de Masa'da, al norte del Golán.
The designated land was located near the village of Masa’da, in the North of the Golan.
La Escuela, situada cerca de Lagos (Nigeria), en el campus de la Redeemer's University, tuvo mucho éxito.
The School, located near Lagos, Nigeria, on the campus of Redeemer's University, was highly successful.
El hecho de que Marruecos esté situado cerca del ecuador geográfico lo distingue como sitio interesante para las mediciones ionosféricas.
Morocco's location near the geographic equator makes it an interesting site for ionospheric measurements.
Por ejemplo, las mujeres podrían tropezar con mayores obstáculos sociales y culturales para utilizar un telecentro situado cerca de un lugar donde se reúnan habitualmente hombres que uno situado cerca de una escuela y dirigido por mujeres.
For example, women may encounter greater social and cultural constraints to using a telecentre that is located near a place where men commonly gather than one that is located near a school and managed by women.
El puesto fronterizo de Arida está situado cerca de la costa al noroeste de la frontera con Siria.
47. The Arida border crossing point is located near the coast north-west of the border with Syria.
Un cohete alcanzó su casa, situada cerca de la mezquita del pueblo, cuando veía la televisión
Killed while watching TV when a rocket struck her home, located near the village mosque
También ocupó un gran depósito de municiones situado cerca de Sarobi, en la provincia de Paktia.
They also seized a large ammunition depot located near Sarobi, in Paktia Province.
Lo ideal sería que la ZFI estuviera situada cerca de un puerto o aeropuerto, junto a una zona industrial importante.
Ideally, an EPZ should be located near a port or airport, close to major industrial areas.
La nueva instalación está situada cerca del puerto y aeropuerto de El Ahmed.
The new facility is located near both the seaport and the airport of El Ahmed.
Está bien situado, cerca de Douglas Park.
Good location near Douglas Park.
Un tercer cuerno, parecido al del rinoceronte, estaba situado cerca de la nariz.
A third, rhino-like born was located near the nose.
El edificio estaba bien situado, cerca del centro del barrio de Luwan.
The building was conveniently located near the center of the Luwan district.
El sillón de Bury se encontraba situado cerca de la puerta de la cabina de control.
Bury’s couch was located near the door to the control cabin.
Equiano, un escritor negro del África Occidental, no situado cerca del ecuador.
Equiano, a West African slave writer, not located near the equator.
De pronto se oyó un golpe procedente del armario superior, situado cerca del techo.
Then there was a thumping sound, coming from the upper storage compartment, located near the ceiling.
Había dado por sentado que se alojaría en los aposentos reales situados cerca del Trono.
He had assumed that he would be staying in the royal quarters located near the High Seat.
El pergamino nombra el de Doss, en Berdusk, y Canaith, situado cerca de Zazasspur, en tierras de Tethyr.
The riddles name Doss in Berdusk, and Canaith, located near Zazesspur in the land of Tethyr.
—Hacia el noroeste —corrigió el comerciante en té, echando una ojeada sobre la brújula situada cerca de proa.
"To the northwest," the tea merchant corrected, glancing over on the compass located near the bow.
Estábamos en la redacción de la «American Financial Network», una cadena de televisión de noticias por cable situada cerca del aeropuerto.
We were sitting in the newsroom of American Financial Network, a cable news operation located near the airport.
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