Translation for "sin destrozos" to english
Sin destrozos
  • no damage
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Translation examples
no damage
Como se ha dicho antes, se produjeron enormes destrozos y desperfectos en distintos tipos de propiedades.
303. As shown above, there was a massive destruction of and damage to various types of property.
En Daloa, la emisora local de radio Tchrato fue atacada y sufrió graves destrozos.
In Daloa, the local radio station, Tchrato, was attacked and badly damaged.
En 12 de las 14 provincias del país los hospitales han sufrido destrozos.
Hospitals have been damaged in 12 of the country's 14 governorates.
Ese ataque hirió a cuatro vecinos y provocó destrozos en 10 viviendas.
Four neighbours were injured and 10 houses damaged during this attack.
También hubo destrozos en un dispensario así como en el cementerio de la ciudad y en una mezquita.
A health clinic was also damaged as was the cemetery of the town and a mosque.
En la cinta aparecen esos destrozos.
The footage depicted damage suffered by the Al Khafji telephone exchange building.
Esos destrozos fueron confirmados por una serie de fuentes.
This damage has been reported by a number of sources.
Son visibles en la pared los destrozos causados por la metralla.
The shrapnel damage can be seen on the walls.
Además, sus casas sufrieron destrozos y sus símbolos religiosos mutilaciones.
Furthermore, their homes were damaged and religious symbols defaced.
—¡Pagarás los destrozos!
“You’ll pay for the damage!
Se han exagerado los destrozos.
The degree of damage is really exaggerated.
Nos harán algunos destrozos.
They will do us some damage.
Causando enormes destrozos.
Doing terrific damage.
-¿Ha causado muchos destrozos?
“How much damage did it do?”
¿Cuando estabas observando los destrozos? —Sí.
When you were looking at the damage?
Ha sufrido peores destrozos.
damaged worse than this before.
Antoine alucina con la envergadura del destrozo.
Antoine is staggered by the extent of the damage.
La cocina era el escenario de los mayores destrozos.
The kitchen was the scene of the greatest damage.
—La tormenta había causado muchos destrozos —dije.
“There was a lot of damage from the storm,”
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