Translation for "simplemente" to english
Translation examples
Esto simplemente no es cierto.
That was simply not true.
simplemente no es cierta.
is simply not true.
Esto es simplemente incorrecto.
This is simply incorrect.
Eso es simplemente inaceptable.
That is simply not acceptable.
Esto es simplemente criminal.
That is simply criminal.
Esto es simplemente inaceptable.
This is simply unacceptable.
Otros, simplemente se anulan.
Others are simply extinguished.
Simplemente son disfuncionales.
They are simply dysfunctional.
Simplemente están disponibles.
They simply remain on call.
Simplemente, el mejor.
Simply the best.
Pero yo simplemente ...
- but I simply...
Simplemente eres magnífico
You're simply grand
- Simplemente, las adoro.
- Simply adore them.
Simplemente deseo irme.
It's simply...
Simplemente no se hace, simplemente no se hace, simplemente no se hace.
It simply isn't done It simply isn't done It simply isn't done
Es simplemente peligroso.
It's simply dangerous.
Las otras simplemente son.
The others simply are.
Simplemente estaba allí.
It was simply there.
Simplemente ya no estaba.
He simply wasn’t there.
O simplemente siendo quienes eran.
Or simply being who they are.
Simplemente, no es nada.
He is simply nothing.
El imperio simplemente era.
The empire simply was.
El productor es simplemente el ejecutor.
The producer is merely the executor.
Eso no es simplemente un cambio cuantitativo; es mucho más.
That is not merely a quantitative change; it is much more.
Dispone simplemente que:
It provides merely that:
La paz no es simplemente la ausencia de guerra.
Peace is not merely the absence of war.
Por lo tanto, no se trata simplemente de una cuestión de migración.
It was therefore not merely a question of migration.
La paz no es simplemente el estado de falta de violencia.
Peace is not merely the state of the absence of violence.
Es simplemente un documento de la conferencia.
It was merely a document of the conference.
Simplemente se trata de una cuestión de énfasis.
They reflect merely a question of emphasis.
No se trata simplemente de una megatendencia anónima.
It is not merely an anonymous megatrend.
La globalización no es simplemente un proceso económico.
Globalization was not merely an economic process.
Simplemente loable pus.
Merely laudable pus.
Es simplemente oportunismo.
It's merely opportunism.
Simplemente un seguidor .
Merely a follower.
Yo simplemente transporto.
I merely transport.
Yo simplemente observo.
I merely observed.
Simplemente un técnicismo.
Merely a technicality.
Simplemente una sugerencia.
Merely a suggestion.
¡Simplemente por dinero!
Merely for money!
Simplemente es... observar.
It's merely observing.
- No, simplemente dañado.
-No, merely damaged.
simplemente eso y nada más.
merely that and nothing more.
Ellas simplemente encarnan.
They merely embody.
No simplemente viajar en él.
Not merely voyage in it.
¿O era simplemente un adorno?
Or was it merely decoration?
—No, simplemente prudencia.
“No, merely prudence.”
Simplemente es un gobierno.
It is merely a government.
¿O algo simplemente inevitable?
Or mere inevitability?
Esto es simplemente el comienzo.
This is merely a beginning.
son simplemente carniceros.
they are merely killers.
Esta es simplemente una política de humillación en su peor expresión.
This is plainly a policy of humiliation at its worst.
En esos casos, la violación se plantea simplemente en el momento en que el Estado deja de actuar de conformidad con la norma.
In such cases, the breach plainly arises at the time that the State fails to act in conformity with the rule.
En cuanto a la primera cuestión, el Relator Especial consideraba que el acto en cuya virtud se formulaba una reserva o una declaración interpretativa consistía simplemente en un acto unilateral no autónomo, dada su relación con un tratado preexistente.
As to the former question, he was of the view that the act whereby a reservation or interpretative declaration was formulated was plainly a non-autonomous unilateral act by virtue of its relationship with a pre-existing treaty.
La discriminación que transpiran esas leyes es atribuible, simplemente, a la imagen tradicional estereotipada de las mujeres en el sistema patriarcal.
The discrimination which these laws exude is plainly attributable to the traditional stereotype image of women within the patriarchal gender system.
Dicho simplemente, el informe del Embajador Shannon en su conjunto representa, a nuestro juicio, el mandato de dicho Comité ad hoc.
Plainly, the report of Ambassador Shannon as a whole represents, in our view, the mandate of the said Ad Hoc Committee.
Su objetivo es simplemente controlar la abundante reserva de petróleo de la región y desbrozar el camino para que el sionismo mundial manipule los destinos de la región.
Their goal was plainly to control the region's abundant oil supply and to open the way for world zionism to manipulate the area's destiny.
Aunque hubiésemos preferido resolver la cuestión antes de la cumbre de septiembre, como lo recomendó el Secretario General, simplemente sería un error confundir la falta de decisión con una falta de adelantos.
Although we would have preferred to resolve the issue before the September summit, as recommended by the Secretary-General, it would plainly be wrong to mistake the lack of a decision for a lack of progress.
De hecho, ese país se sirve de todas las oportunidades para atacar a Cuba: en su intervención ha utilizado un lenguaje que recuerda la guerra fría y simplemente ha falseado la realidad cubana.
Indeed, that country used every opportunity to attack Cuba: its intervention had used language reminiscent of the cold war, and it plainly falsified the reality of Cuba.
El Sr. Lamine (Argelia) dice que el derecho internacional humanitario puede, simplemente, ayudar a mitigar los efectos de las numerosas crisis y conflictos en curso en distintas partes del mundo.
46. Mr. Lamine (Algeria) said that international humanitarian law could plainly help to mitigate the effects of the many crises and conflicts taking place in different parts of the world.
- Bueno, simplemente no puedo.
Well, plainly I can't.
Él dijo muy simplemente que ya no me ama.
He so plainly said he doesn't love me anymore.
Dice simplemente que aún eres sencilla...
It says plainly that you're still pretty basic.
La diferencia puede verse simplemente.
The difference can plainly be seen.
Simplemente, no era para tus ojos o los míos.
Plainly, it weren't meant for my eyes or yours.
Para decirlo simplemente, caballeros, se trata de nosotros.
Well, to put it plainly, gentlemen, it's us.
Bueno, simplemente fue un movimiento estúpido.
Well, plainly that was a bonehead move.
Es muy dulce y el geco simplemente lo adora.
Its very sweet and the gecko plainly loves it.
Usted no siempre viste tan simplemente como ayer.
You don't always dress as plainly as you did yesterday.
¿Por qué no decirle simplemente que lo amas?
Why not tell him plainly that you love him?
Él simplemente la adoraba.
He plainly adored her.
Tal respuesta, simplemente, no tenía nada de respuesta.
That answer was no answer, plainly.
Entonces Wang Lung le preguntó simplemente:
Then Wang Lung said to her plainly,
¿Se trataría de un acuerdo verbal, explícito, o simplemente se lo habían dado a entender?
Had they stated it verbally, plainly, or had it been implied?
Iría con la plata en la mano y diría simplemente:
He would go with the silver in his hand and he would say plainly,
Su madre estaba convirtiéndose en una extraña, perdiendo la lucidez, y simplemente se sentía sola.
She was becoming strange, unknowing, and she plainly felt alone.
El galán de Catalina disfrutaba, simplemente, de El mejor mozo de España.
Catalina's keeper plainly enjoyed El mejor mozo de España.
Lo he demostrado. —Creo que nos vamos a morir —dijo simplemente April.
I've proved that."             April said plainly, "I think we're going to die."
La explicación de monseñor era simplemente imposible, pero, fuera verdad o no, entendió su preocupación.
The monsignor’s assertion was plainly impossible, but true or not, he immediately understood the monsignor’s distress.
Simplemente no le había interesado la tragedia de los Balcanes y obviamente no le importaba nada el milagro.
She had plainly not been interested in the Balkan tragedy and she as obviously did not care for the miracle.
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