Translation for "si no sería" to english
Si no sería
  • if it wouldn't be
  • if it would not be
Translation examples
if it wouldn't be
Si así fuera, ¿no tendría esto consecuencias muy negativas para la integridad del TNP?
If so, wouldn't this have a devastating effect on the integrity of the NPT?
"El Gobierno lo está haciendo bastante bien, porque si no ustedes no estarían aquí"
"The Government is doing pretty well because otherwise you wouldn't be here"
Eso me parecería bien si se tratara de judíos de Europa Oriental con un coeficiente intelectual un 15% superior al de la población alemana.
I wouldn't mind if they were East European Jews with about a 15% higher IQ than the one of Germans.
No es que no vayamos a venir, pero me preguntaba si los demás colegas no tendrían inconveniente en que celebráramos la plenaria el martes, como es habitual.
It's not to say that we wouldn't be present here, but I was wondering if we could beg the indulgence of colleagues to see if we could revert to the normal Tuesday scheduling for a plenary.
Si hubiera alguna, no nos tratarían de esta manera.
If there was any hope, they wouldn't have been treating us like that.
El granjero se apoya en su horca, se rasca la barbilla y dice "Mire, si yo quisiera ir donde usted me dice, no iría desde aquí".
The local fellow leans on his pitchfork, scratches his chin and says "Well, now, if I wanted to go where you're going I sure wouldn't start from here".
Si nuestra democracia no hubiera impulsado estos derechos, yo, como persona de ascendencia africana, no podría dirigirme hoy a ustedes como ciudadano de los Estados Unidos, y mucho menos como Presidente.
If our democracy did not advance those rights, then I, as a person of African ancestry, wouldn't be able to address you as an American citizen, much less a President.
Los soldados les dijeron que abandonaran la casa y que si lo hacían no sufrirían ningún daño.
The soldiers told them to leave the house and that if they did they wouldn't be injured.
Pero si no…, daba igual.
But if not, it wouldn't matter.
Si así fuera, yo no estaría aquí.
“I wouldn't be here if it was.”
No lo creerías si no lo vieras.
You wouldn't believe it.
¿Y si no lo hubieran hecho en absoluto?
What if they absolutely wouldn't?
Si no, no estaría así».
He wouldn't be like this otherwise."
Si no, no serían lo que son ahora.
Otherwise, they wouldn't be what they are today.
¡Sería una estúpida si no lo tuviera!
Only a fool wouldn't be afraid!
Si lo fuera, no se lo habría dicho.
'If it was, I wouldn't have asked.
Yo no estaría aquí si no lo fuera.
I wouldn't be here otherwise."
Si no, no hubiera tenido ni esto.
We wouldn't have had even this.
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