Translation for "severo castigo" to english
Severo castigo
Translation examples
La ley prevé severos castigos para las personas que corrompen a menores.
Individuals who led minors into debauchery were severely punished under the law.
En el Código Penal de China figuraban severos castigos para los delincuentes responsables del rapto, la venta o el secuestro de mujeres y niños.
Severe punishment of criminals for the abduction, sale or kidnapping of women and children was included in the Criminal Law of China.
Los autores de esos actos reciben severos castigos cuando el caso se informa a las autoridades judiciales.
The perpetrators are however always severely punished when such cases are brought before the courts.
Es absolutamente falso que las repatriadas desde China sean enviadas a centros de detención y sean objeto de severos castigos.
It was absolutely untrue that women returnees from China were sent to detention centres and subjected to severe punishment.
Los gobiernos deberían informar a los viajeros de los daños que ocasiona esta industria y de los severos castigos que se impondrán a sus clientes.
Governments should inform travellers of the harm this industry does and the severe punishments that will fall on its patrons.
Infundir el terror e incluso asesinar a los viajeros desprevenidos en el desierto es un delito grave y merece un severo castigo.
Terrorizing and even killing unsuspecting travellers in the desert was a serious crime and warranted severe punishment.
Además, también mejoraron la inspección, vigilancia y severo castigo de los contraventores de la ley.
Moreover, the inspection, monitoring and severe punishment of those who violate the law were also enhanced.
Los severos castigos previstos en la Ley también constituyen verdaderos factores de disuasión.
The severe punishment under the Act is also real deterrent. Consultation
Se impuso un severo castigo a muchos de los infractores y se rescataron numerosos niños.
Many offenders were severely punished and a great many children were rescued.
En agosto de 2008, el Presidente instó a "que se impusiera a los violadores el más severo castigo previsto en el país".
In August 2008 the President called for "rapists to face the country's most severe punishment".
Segundo, un severo castigo.
Then, I want them severely punished.
Los que lleguen tarde serán objeto de un severo castigo.
Those who are tardy will be subjected to severe punishment.
Arrestaré al novio para darle un severo castigo
I'll arrest that groom get him a severe punishment
Cualquier desacato resultará... en severos castigos a los responsables.
Any defamation will result in severe punishment to those responsible.
Desobedecer esta orden supondrá un severo castigo para toda la comunidad.
Any disobedience of this order will subject the entire community to severe punishment.
Demandamos que reciba el más severo castigo que nuestras leyes decretan.
We demand that he receive the most severe punishment... our laws decree!
Por tanto demando un severo castigo para ellos.
Therefore I demand severe punishment for them!
O recibirás un severo castigo.
Or, you'll receive severe punishment
El responsable recibirá un severo castigo.
The one responsible will receive severe punishment.
- Hasta nuestro juicio seguido seguramente por un decididamente severo castigo.
- Until our trials, most likely followed by a decidedly severe punishment.
Indultado, recibió un severo castigo.
Reprieved, he had been severely punished.
Los alumnos que se aproximaban siquiera a sobrepasarla recibían severos castigos.
Students who even approached the point of overmastery were severely punished.
Algunas reclusas se quejaban y hasta se rebelaban, algo que solo les reportaba un severo castigo.
Some of the inmates complained and even rebelled, which brought them severe punishment.
—El emperador ya ha demostrado que no vacila a la hora de decretar severos castigos por tales fechorías.
The Emperor has already established that he is willing to enact severe punishment for such misdeeds.
Los ciudadanos empezaron a celebrar reuniones espontáneas de las que salieron multitud de manifiestos en que se pedía un severo castigo;
Citizens started organizing spontaneous meetings, which produced a slew of demands for severe punishment;
Cabía esperar que el guardia rehusara el ofrecimiento para no correr el riesgo de recibir un severo castigo si abandonaba su puesto.
It was to be expected that the guard would refuse, not wanting to risk severe punishment by leaving his post.
Un sólo momento, so pena de recibir un severo castigo si decidimos que ha malgastado nuestro precioso tiempo.
Briefly, under pain of severe punishment if we determine he has wasted our precious time.
Por ello hemos decidido infligir un severo castigo a los monjes de un pueblo cercano a Noto y a los lombardos que los protegen.
For that reason, we have decided to inflict a severe punishment on the monks and the Lombards who guard them in a village near Noto.
Amenazó a Abu Huraya, flagrante promotor de sí mismo, con un severo castigo si continuaba citando mal al profeta Mahoma.
He threatened Abu Huraya, a blatant self-promoter, with severe punishment if he continued to misquote the Prophet.
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